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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 4, 23rd October 1649 E.575[29]

Numb. 4.
of some affaires and transactions,
Civill and military, both Forraigne
and Domestique.
Licensed by Gualter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Councell
of state, according to the direction of the late Act.
October the 23. 1649.
TO the safety of an Island, a strength of shipping
is necessary; and thus Island that wants it is an
the mercy of every petty power that will attague
it. This Island of Ours is more desirable then
any other in Europe, and wants nothing that may
invite the avarice or ambition of any who make
their power and not their justice the mesure and
rule of their acquisuions: None better scittnted
for Trade, nor better furnished with either Materials
or Manufactures for a Foundation of it. Were the Industries of
our people but awakened to improove those incouragements in it which
they may justly and asuredly expect under that best for me of government
into which the divine goodnesse and providence hath now cast us. That
which did let is now taken away, and every veriue and worth and Industry
left free to improove and inlarge the almost possibilitie of all his powers for
the attainment of whas ever is proportioned to their sever all spberes and not
forbidden by the rules of Honour or justice, and what care hath been taken
by the Parliament even in the insancy of this Common wealth to provide
and set forth a Nevall force for our safety at home, and protection of trade
at Sea, is more taken notice of by our Common enemy and others abroad
(produceing envy in some, and causing a disappointment in others) then
by many among our selves, who still labour under distempers, perbaps voluntary
that will not let them be so happy as they may. This last Summers
Fleet so numerons, and in all things so well appointed, Commanded in
generall and in particular by such Faithfull, Gallant, and perpetually vigilans
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