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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 4, 23rd October 1649 E.575[29]

men, hath discouraged all generall attempts of Invasion and prevented wholly that
mischiese ehich might have been done by that remnant of the former years (for ever
infamous Traytors and Revolters) which by a then neglect were sussered to continue dangerous.
They have also conveyed the Merchants, and scoured the Seas from those
Pests of Trade and Commerce, of whom many have been taken, and many preys plnckt
out of their mouthes, besides what severall of those Gallant Men have in the Course of
their several imployment, as their lot cast them, contributed to the Publique affairs, in order
to Ireland, and some of them, as well by land as by Sea. If any shall fay many of our
ships have been taken at Sea not withstanding; is true, they have, and in all times
have been, particular men are also robbed on the high wayes at land not withstanding all
the care and prosecutors of Civill Justice, and that without any restexion ipon it, or blemish
to it. And besides all these effects, the Reputation which this Summers Fleet hath
given us abroad by the strength of it, and faithfulnesse of the commanders, is more then
could have been expected, in the Morning of the Common wealth: And for the Continuance
of this safety to Trade, and maintenance of Reputation, a Winters Fleet fully
propostionable to the service will be ready to goe forth upon the coming in of the
other, of which we thought fit to give you this list (though it will be a little varied, in
regard two of the smallest have been lately lost by storme, one in the bay of dublin,
the other about Jersey) whereby all merchants and men of Trade may see the
speciall care that is taken by the Parliament, for their Protection and Encouragement.
Here followes the List of the Winters Fleet.
Leopard, Amd. 200 Captaine Edward Hall.
Bonadventure, Ad. In the
Irish Seas. 180 Captaine Robert Hackwell.
Entrance. 160 Captaine Richard Badiley.
John. 120 Captaine Charles Saltorstall.
Expedition. 100 Captaine Francis Penrose.
Mary Rose. 100 Captaine Francis Penyose.
Nonsuch. 130 Captaine John Mildmay
Tigre. 130 Captaine James Peacocke.
Phenix 130 Captaine Thomas Harrison.
Elizabeth. 130 Captaine Jonas Reeve.
Adventure 130 Captaine Andrew Ball.
Assurance. 130 Captaine John Taylor.
Dragon 130 Captaine Anthony Toung.
Constant Warwick. 120 Captaine Cbarles Thorowgood.
Ginny Frigot. 120 Captaine Walter Wood
Providence. 100 Captaine Daniel Rosewell.
Satisfaction. 090 Captaine William Branley.
Fellowship. 090 Captaine Robert Nixon.
Concord. 065 Captaine Samuel Forvett.
Tygers Whelp. 065 Captaine Anthony Holden.
Greyhound. 050 Captaine John Coppin.
President. 080 Captaine Nathaniel Femes.
Starre. 060 Captaine Anthony Sharpe.
Fame. 055 Captaine Thomson.
Hinde. 060 Captaine John Bowen.
Weymouth 055 Captaine John Pierce.
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