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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 4, 23rd October 1649 E.575[29]

all this while, though we have great talke of Monrrosses Levies, yet cannot I hear that
he hath actually one man levied, but 'tis certaine he keeps up diverse Officers with
faire words, who attend for Commission and Money to levie: But without doubt, he
hath lest a great advantage, in that he hath not attended upon the disbanding of the
Swedes and other Souldiers; but except he can find somebody that will furnish him
with Moneys, I beleeve he will not be able to doe much. We shall now shortly see
what he can doe, for he hath but a short time to doe what hee meanes to doe before
Ostend 13° Octobrix 1649.
I am now returned hither from Brussells, where I was for the space of Fourteen daies,
before it would have been a great pleasure to you to have seen with what content
your enemies abused themselves with the belief that your Arnies were defeated in
Ireland. The Princes Agent presenting the Duke of Lorraine with it as a choice piece
of Intelligence, with a great deale of confidence of the truth of it; This suiting the
hopes of the Cavalierish partie, gave them such encouragement that more than an
hundred officers, who had formerly served in England and Holland, were resolved to
come presently for this place to ship themselves for Ireland in hope of great things,
but the truth soone after appearing they were so heart-broken and dejected as you
never saw any people, they know nor now which way to turne themselves, all their
vaine hope is vanished and gone into smoake: the Pyrars now bring not their Prizes
into this Port, or to Newport, but carry them all to Dunkirke.
Novemberg 5° 1649.
The Palatime Generalissimo of Sweed, makes this day a very great feast in this citie,
in joy of the execution of the Generall peace, where all the Plenipotentiaries
are to be, the Elector Palatine is come hither to be at that feast. The French deputies
are agreed with those of the Emperour and the rest of the Estates, about their
satisfaction, and it is determined between them that the Fortresse Hermenstein shall
be put into their hands within eight moneth, and that in the meane time it shall remaine
in sequestration in the hands of the Elector of Mensz who is their friend, as
assistance required by them for the delivery of frankendate, bu the sweed oppose it,
and will have it put into the hands of the Elector palatine himselfe, for the better
and more satisfactory assurance of the said Restitution, the Sweeds have sent their orders
for the restitution of th elesser Citie and Castle of Prague, as also Thabor, Lenumaritz,
and the other places which they hold in Boheme.
Cologne 12° Octobris, 1649.
The courier of Frank fort is not yet come in, but by that of Franch fort wee have
information, that the Bavarians have restored to the Elector Palatine, not onely the
Townes of Heidelburgh and Manbeim, but all other places which they hold appertaining
to the Said Elector.
Middleburgh 15° Octobris, 1649.
Newes here is little, onely Captain Everson and Bambers have lest the late kings
Sounes at Jersey. The youngest sonne of Jankheys was in sight with two English Ships
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