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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 12, 4th-11th December 1649 E.584[14]

of some affaires and transactions,
Civil and Military, both Forraigne
and Domestique.
Licensed by Gualter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Councell
of state, according to the direction of the late Act.
From Tuesday, December the 4. to Tuesday
December the 11. 1649
Corke Haven, November 5. 1649.
Right Honourable,
By Gods good providence on Saturday last in the
morning, we came safe into Corke Haven, not
withstanding we were shot at divers times from
a Fort at the entring of the Harbour, held by
the Irish: Assoone as we had Anchor'd Colonell
Townsend came aboard on me, who had
laine some nights aboard a Vessell in the Rode,
expecting a Winde to carry him toward your
Excellency: That Vessell I have dispatcht to
Milford. For the you of some other Ship of Countenance to lye in
this Aarbour: Colonell Townsend and some other Gentlemen are
Shipt aboard the Non such, who will give your Excellency a Particular
account of the state of that Garrison, and some other places
adjacent, and of the present condition of affaires there. I finde by
the expression of Colonell Reeve, Colonell Tomnsend; and many
other Commanders now aboard with me as also by the Relation
of colonell Mildmay and Captaine Wood, who were yesterday in Cork
that there is a greater deal of cordiall, and unanimous resolution among
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