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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 18, 8th-15th January 1649 E.589[13]

of some affaires and transactions,
Civill and Military, both Forraigne
and Domestique.
Licensed by Gualter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Councell
of state, according to the direction of the late Act.
From Tuesday, January the 8. to Tuesday
January the 15. 1649.
Here was in the last a very greas omission
on the Printers behalse, a broken story for a
continued Relation; an abuse not so much reflecting
upon the Relator, as the eminency of
that Person to whom it related. The great merit
of Lievt. Generall Jones had drawne from me
last weeke, a very few Lines, extreamly shore
of his just comendation. The Printers Servant
thought it too much, & therfore would needs leave out very neer the one
half, which the change of letter into smaller Character, would have given
him sufficient place for. I have for his fault imposed him this penance,
in the beginning of this Sheet; and beg the Readers patience, to read together
that, of which (through the afore-named neglect)you were afforded
but a part.
These Letters bring us now the certainty of the death of that worthy
and gallant man, Lievt. Generall Michael Jones, a great losse to this
Common-wealth, and which we should much more lament, were it
not that it would seeme to envie his gaine, who after he had been
long a sharp Sword in the hand of God, both against the bloudy Irish
there, and also against their friends in England, he is called home to
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