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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 18, 8th-15th January 1649 E.589[13]

suddenly, where he would acquaint him with all the particulars of his
Negotiation, and from hence would send an Expresse into Scotland.
Just now I am informed, that yesternight, the satisfaction of the
Switzers was resolved on here; that they shal have a Million of Livers
ready Money, and that the Generality of Tours is assigned them for
the payment of the overplus of their due, whereof they shall be payd
by their owne hands, Marshall de Schomberg doth treat of his place
of Colonell of the Switzers.
The Bourdelois are restored to all their Priviledges, and the Governours
of the Province disabled to have Cognizance of the nomination
of their Jurats. The Castle du Ha restored to the Marquis de
Roguclaure : A generall amnestie for all things, namely for the Kings
Money they have received during that Warr.
Paris the 33 3 of January, 16 33 49
Since my last of the 12 2 Instant, we heare it confirmed that the Marshall
du Plesses Praslin, and the Duke of Espernon, had in their Pockets the
Articles of Peace this Court thought to have amused the Bourdelois
withall, when the last did assault them, and that they were not offered
them, but after they had well beaten him; the particular whereof are
yet so much disguis'd here, that the Courrier of Bourdeaux that arrived
here yesternnight, hath been Imprisoned in the Petie Chastellet, for having
spoken (as it is said) too freely of that. The said Duke, after
the acceptation of the said Peace, hath caused great devastations, incendies,
and plunderings, to be committed in Medce, and other places, as
he was retreating to Cadillac, which doth keepe the Bourdelois under
their Armes, and causeth the Paisans to use hard, as many Pernonistes as
they can meet withall, never so little stragling from their body. The
Parliament of Bourdeaux hath made Informations of it to make him pay
for it, and have newly sent their complaints to their Deputies here, with
Prayers to their Majesties, to draw him from the Government, and to
recompence their Generalls and Officers, who have so valiantly opposed
his Barbarous Tyrannie. The Court hath been of late imployed in
disposing of the vacant places by the death of such number of Officers
in the Regiments of Navarre, de la Marine, and others killed in these
last fights before La Bassids, and other places about Bourdeaux. This
Parliament did not meet last Thursday : Yesterday the Duke of Orleans
having not met there, they returned the former Information, he read
the Request presented by the Advocate Belor, tending to his Releasment,
but nothing was concluded on, nor this morning neither; the said
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