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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 18, 8th-15th January 1649 E.589[13]

Duke puteing off his coming thither, as I heare, not withstanding the
Prince of Conde's Instances, of whose too great power, hee and she rest
of the Course are afraid, fearing him more then they love him, and
shewing to be willing in case of extremity to make use of the Frondeur:
against him. It is certaine that Mr. de Brousell, was shut up last Thursday
above halfe an houre with the Duke of Orleans, in his Highnesse's
closset, and on the other side I heare, that the Prince of Conde hath a
constant Watch in the night at his House, and makes himselfe sure of as
many Men as he can, having in the meane while the Court at his command,
no body daring hitherto to contradict him. Des Martineaux,
Arrested at Coutanes, hath been brought hither this day by two hundred
Horse, about six a clock in the morning to the Conciergerie, where
he is kept in the great Tower of Monsgommery.
Colonell Molodin a Switzer, arrived here on Monday last, with
reiterated Orders of the Cantons to have all their Forces leave this
King's Service; even the hundred Switzers of the Guard of the body,
in case their Payment be longer deferred. The Sr. Bartly their Deputy
went away last Thursday, seeing they were offered but 400000. Livers:
They are about since to afford them a Million, and security for
the rest, in case they be content.
Arch-Duke Leopold makes account to have as the beginning of the
Spring, 14000 Horse, most part Germans, besides 15000 Men he can
raise at any time, upon the borders of the Low Country.
The Catalans have sent again hither to have speedily a Vice Roy and
some supply sent them, or else they threaten to provide for their owne
security as well as they can.
Sr. John Barckly went yesterday from hence towards Jersey, with
Monsieur Davenant, who makes account to goe from thence into Virginia.
Bremen 29° December, 1649.
The State of Germany is still in the condition may last mentioned, or
worse; many jealousies and discontents dayly increasing amongst the
great ones at Nurnberg, insomuch that many are weary of those tedious
and costly Treaties, and are going home. The effects of the Parliament
in Poland doe not yet appeare; Cochram is gone from Danficke to
the Court. By one lately come from Gottenburgh, I have certaine notice,
that Montrosse is yet here, being stopt in his intended Voyage for
the Orklades, by a difference risen betwixt him and the Owners, and Mr
of the ship which he hath hired, for they will have security for the Ship
and the Fraught when the Voyage is performed, which it seems he is
not able to give; he hath with him betwixt two or three hundred
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