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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 18, 8th-15th January 1649 E.589[13]

publique and Private are sent up to God for the Safety of your Church and
From the same place, and person at the same time, to another Friend.
We shall Continue our intercessions to God for your Church and
Common-Wealth, and rejoyce to heare that your Stormen are like to
be calmed, and blow over; your Island will be at last not fabulous,
but miraculous. As concerning the publike Affaires, the Image whereof
is this, the reformed Helverian Cantons flourish, maintayne and make
themselves considerable, they have lent great Summs to the Neighbour
imperiall Citties, to helpe them to be rid of their Soldutesca: They
have sent powerfull assistance to the afflicted Churches, entertained Ministers
and schollers, who now are going back to Heidelberg. The Advocate
Erlash is still alive. The Generall Erlash is sick at Brissac. Of a
lingering Disease, he is suspected to be poysoned. There is a disigne to
bring some Gapuchins into Sargaus, and Jesuits into Baden, but It will
not be effected without opposition. The Grissons are well enough setled,
they have driven away some Capucbins, God grant they may be driven
to reforme their politicall Government, and the Valtoline. The
publique exercise of our Religion continueth at Rasehow, Buis, and Bregaglid.
The Converts at Necodemites encrease at Venice, it were to be wished
that your Nation had a publique Agent there. The Generall Gill. de
Has, is a friend to the Nicodemites, and we supplie them with Books and
Bibles, there is a Generall meeting, a Baden France hath Licensed the
Swisser Troops, which doth irritate very much, and the affections are
wholly altered thereupon, and it will be a maine stope to the renewing
of the allyance. Geneva hath lost Deodatz. There is a great dearth every
where almost, Savoy is miserable, Backlin is gone post to Paris, by reason
of the disbanding the swisser Troopt of Dunquerque without Money.
Many are dead of hunger and cold, they are uriously inraged at
it, and at Baden they speake high words to the Ambassadour. The
Peace at Nurenberg doth stick; the French and Swedes unite againe, all
tends to a new Warre, the Spaniards have had a great enterprize upon
casall, which hath miscarried, Spaine doth offer to Modcale betweene
the Turke and the Venetian, all is very doubtfull, Parma is ingaged, playsance
will pay no leagure contribution. Killigrev the Ambassador from
the Prince at Jersey is arrived at Gratz, passes to Venice, his errand said
to be for Money, we here wonder with what hopes, considering the
burthens of the warre upon their Republique.
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