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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 20, 22nd-29th January 1649 E.590[7]

Of some affaires and transactions,
Civill and Military, both Forraigne
and Domestique
Licensed by Gualter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Councell
of state, according to the direction of the late Act.
From Tuesday, January the 22. To Tuesday
January the 29. 1649.
FROM Ireland wee have no Letters
at all this weeke, and therefore
News thence cannot be expected;
when it shall come, we hope for
good, for that ill Newes never
wants wings.
For Scotland, how things are there we shall informe you, by
Extracts of severall Letters thence, how it stands between them and
your proclaimed King, we shall informe them from very sure hands,
and tell them more in Print then they could know by Letters, if
but indifferent care were taken of their correspondence by the Poss
of his Common-wealth.
From thence they say they layd their designe, setled their Military
Posture, in order to motion; and expect their King should agree,
& come in, & then all their different & irreconcilable Interests promise
themselves a part, to come about to their ends by his onely meanes.
The present governing party conceives the obligation they shall
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