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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 27, 19th-26th February 1649 E.594[8]

of some affaires and transactions,
Civill and military, both Forraigne
and Domestique.
Licensed by Gualter Frost Esquire, Secretary to the Councell
of State, according to the direction of the late Act.
From Tuesday, February the 19. to Tuesday
February the 26. 1649.
Paris the 23/13 of February 1650/49
My last of the 19/9 currants
THis Court arrived here yesterday
about foure of clock in the evening.
During its absence, the
Duke of Orleans hath chiesfly
spent his time in planting here
some extraordinary Trees, and
Simples, in the Garden of his
Palace, where Mr. le Tellier Secretary
of State repaired everyday
to him, to give him an accompt
of such dispatches as were directed to him. Last
Thursday he brought him a Letter from Marquis de la Ferte
Senneterre, whereby it is intimated that two foote Regiments
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