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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 3, 31st July-6th August 1649 E.532[11]

7 Aug. 1649:
A Tuesdaies Journall
of Perfect Passages
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfaxes Army, and other parts.
From Tuesday 31 July to Tuesday [unr] 1649.
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
Printed at London for Robert Ibbiston dwelling in Smithfield, 1649.
Beginning Tuesday 31 July.
A S I have hitherto laid out my selfe for a generall good to my
Country so am I resolved(by Gods grace) to go on (according
to my ability)in al things. And for the benefit of al those
who desire to understand the Hebrew tongue,and by it the literall
sence of the written word of God, conteined in the
old Testament. I intend every weeke in my Tuesdays Journall,
to give rules for the learning of the Hebrew tongue, to plain,
that any body may with great case, in a short time learne to understand any
part of the Hebrew bible. First I wil begin with the Letters.
These be 11 of the Letters, which are in al 22 [Foreign]
The other 11 you shall have the next week. a b g d h v z hh t j c
By Letters from the Navy is advertised, That Prince Rupert is gone ashore
to Kingsale to create for supplies of men and monies, without which his Navy.
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