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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 3, 31st July-6th August 1649 E.532[11]

cannot subsist, most part of his vessels being already a grounds, and not
many men ashore more then to supply source of his ships.
This day the House of Commons passed an Act with further Instructions to
the Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register, for the sale of the lands
and possessions of the late Deans, subdeans, Deans, and Chapter, &c. and for the
better and more speedy execution of the former Acts, Ordinances, and Instructions
made concerning the same, consisting of these particulars.
1. That all persons, who by the former Act of this Parliament, are not disable
to hold or use the Place, Function, Office, Title or Stile of Precenter,
or any other title, stile, place, function or office,of or belonging to any Cathedral
or Collegiate Church or Chappell withing England or Wales, the Town of
Berwick upon Tweed, and Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, are and be from the Nine
and twentieth day of March,in the year One thousand six hundred forty nine,
disabled to hold the same: And that all Manors Lands Tenements, Rectories,
Parsonages, Vicarages, Advowsons, Donations, Nominations, Right of Patronage
&c. which now are, or at any time within ten years before the beginning
of this present Parliament of Right belonging to any such,shall be,and are
hereby adjudged to be, shall be denied and taken to be in the Reall and Actuall
Possession and Seisin,of Sir John Wollaston Knight,Thomas Noel,William Hibson, Thomas
Arnold, Owen Roe, Stephen Eppicks Robert Tichborn, George Langham, John Stone,
Mark Hilddesley, John [unr], Darrel Taylor, William Rolfe, and
Rowland Wilson, Esquires (Trustees in the said recited Act named) their Heirs
and Assigne.
2. That out of the money which shall be raise by sale of such of the premises
as shall be sold,and of the Rents, Revenues, Issues and profits of the premises [unr]
which shall grow due before such side. The severall sommes of [unr]
which hereby, or by the said Act are, or are intended to be paid and satisfied;
together with all charges to be paid or borne, for or by reason of the execution
of the trust in them [unr] (and not otherwise provided for) may be paid
and satisfied, they and [unr] and Survivor of them, this and their Heirs
shall stand seised of the pesidue of the premises.
3. That the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers and Register respectively,
and all purchasers and others whom it doth or shall concerne, shall have the
like powers priviledges and authorities in all things, and are hereby authorized
and impowered to have and do all such and the like acts and things in reference
to the premises hereby vested or setled.
4. That the Contractors, who on or before the field day of December, One
thousand six hundred forty and one, in his or their own right had, and now
hath,any legall terme in any of the premises hereby, or by the said first recited
Act vested in the said Trustees and their Heirs, may purchase the Reversion and
Inheritance. Provided in the cases aforesaid, That the Committee of Obstructions,
or any five or more of them, shall make the Contract according to
the Rules: And that no Contractor doe procure himselfe to be an Executor or
Administrator by fraud.
5. That the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers and Registers, and all of
them persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate, in all things observe these instructions,viz.
6. That the times for Bringing in of the monies to be doubled,shall be unto
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