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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 3, 31st July-6th August 1649 E.532[11]

shall be found in any Divisions, [unr], or other places in any of
the Counties mentioned in the said Act, [unr] are hereby authorized to [unr]
according to the ancient and usuall [unr] there held in Kates, for the more effectuall
bringing in this said three months assessment.
Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
Thursday August 2.
The House of Commons considered of the great prejudice that might be to
officers and Souldiers for the Irish service if they should attend at Westminster
about stating their accounts, and an Act was brought in for easing
that trouble.
Die Jovis 2. August 1649.
Col. Ven reports an sit for stating of the accounts of the officers and Souldiers
engaged for the service of Ireland, whose accounts are not [unr],
which was this day read the first and second time, and upon the question commited.
Hen. Scobel,Cleric. Parliament.
The House debated the Act for Magistrates and Officers in Corporations, &c.
None to hold any place of trust, but such as shall subscribe to the present Government,
without King or House of Lords, which was after debate committed,
with instructions to consider concerning Lawyers, and Preachers, Universities,
and Innes of Court, &c.
Die Jovis 2. August 1649.
Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That
the order for, retarding of all private businesses be continued for eight
Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliament.
The Petition for release of English that are slaves under the Turks, was ordered
to be considered of, and that and other businesses were referred to severall
Letters from France say that the Lord Cottington, and Sir Edward Hide are come
from Bruxels with a present of 20000. Crowns by Bill of exchange to P. Charles
from the Arch-duke Leopold. The Duke of Yorke is to be Admirall to P. Charles his
Navy. The Treaty is on foot againe between France and Spaine.
Die Jovis 2. August 1649.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to the
Committee of Plundred ministers to consider of the businesse concerning [unr].
Bresco Minister of Walsmley Chappell in Lancashire, touching his suspension
and maintenance to examin the matter, and to beare and determine the same, and
give redresse therein, if they shall see cause. And if upon the examination thereof
they shall since any generall griehance fit to be redressed, that the said Committee
no present their opinions to the Doust for some remedy therein.
Hen. Scobell, Cleric Parliament.
Friday 3 Aug.
The House Ordered that Sir John Hipsley have leave to go into the Country
for his health. His accounts were audited 1300li. Which he lent to the State
The House Ordered him to have the like benefit as others that were transmitted
from Goldsmiths-hall and the Excise, to Deanes and Chapters Lands.
Die Veneris 3 August, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, that a Committee [unr]
bring in an Act for the taking volume, and [unr] the late [unr]
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