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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 3, 31st July-6th August 1649 E.532[11]

shall publicke places, and likewise all [unr] and interiptions.
An Act was read and committed for taking the accounts of the Commissioners
of the Navy, Commissioners of the Custome, and he accounts of prized
goods. And likewise another Act committed for the generall accounts of
the Common-Wealth. An Order passed concerning 500 li. disbursed about the
Isle of weight.
Die Veneris 3 August, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, that it be referred to the
Committee of Obstructions for sale of Deans and Chapters Lands,or any three
of them, to consider of such particulars as shall be offered to them by the Commissioners
appointed for sale of goods of the late king, Dueublic and Prince
in herein the sale of the said goods is obsituded, and consider how the obstructions
may be remember, and report their opinion for the house,
Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
Letters were read from the Burgamasters at Hamborough and other letters concerning
one Cockram (an officers of the late Kings Army) and others, That (by
a wile) they got Mr, Lee Deputy of the Hamborough Merchants Company. Mr.
Crispe and two or three other English Merchants to the water side, and having
got them a ship board had carried them God knowes whither, but boates
were sent after them if it were possible to fetch them backe. The House Ordered
to referre it to the Councell of State and passed instructions therein. Some
other Reports concerning shipping was referred to the Committee of the
Die Venris 3 August, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the report touching
the Act for Prisoners be made on Munday morning the first businesse.
Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
Instructions passed this day for the Councel of State to confer with Monsier
Gomount (the French gent.) concerning his residence here, and to grant
him a passe (desired) for horses to be transported into France as they shall find
cause. And a Letter from Cardinall Mazerine was reported. The whole was referred.
The House Ordered Col. Sydnam to be desired to sit in the House.
The landing of the 200 and odde foot, and 600 odde Horse at Dublin was this
day confirmed, and that Ormond being returned to the Campe, was drawing
Die Vener is 3 August, 1649.
An Act giving Power to the Committee of Indempnity to transmit the Examination
of all such Articles or Informations as shall be exhibited to them
against any Malignant or Deliquent Magistrates, or other ill-affected
Officers, to Justices of Peace in the several Counties.
Be it Enacted and Ordained, and it is Enacted and Drained by Authority of
this present Parliament, That the Committee of Parl. For Indempnity,or any
side or more of them babe power and are hereby authorized to transmit to any two or
[unr] justices, of the Peace in the respective Counties, Cities or Corporations of
England and Wales, all or any such Articles or Informations as shall be arhited
to them against any Delinquent or Delinquent magistrate, or other Officer of
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