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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 4, 7th August 1649-14th July 1650 E.532[17]

An Act for taking of the Accounts belonging to the Navy and
Whereas the Receipts of the Customes and [unr] rising upon Goods
and [unr] Exported and Importedl, And other Rebenues appointed
for the maintenance of the [unr], having beene by severall Acts and Ordinances
of this present Parliament, Committed to the care and management of severall
persons as Commissioners and Collectors thereof; behafe Accounts; as also
the Accounts of the Collectors for Prise-Goods, the Treasurer and [unr] for
the aby the Lieutenant and other Officers of the Ordinances, and severall other
officers relating to the service of the aby and the Revenues, Stores and Pbistons
thereof, do for the most part of them remain unperfected, and are like still so
to do, if some speedy and effectuall course be not taken for offperth thereof in a settled
and orderly way: for remedy wherefor, and to the end the Common-wealth May
receive satisfaction concerning the issuings and Disbursements of the said Receipts
and Revenues; and that the persons trusted therein that have of shall faithfully
discharge the trust to them respectively committed, may be there of fully acquited and
discharged; and contrary wise, those that have not, nor shal discharge their trust
there in may be only proceeded against; Be it therefore Enacted by this present Parliament,
and by the authority thereof, That all and every person of persons who
since [unr] of this present Parliament, have been, of at any time hereafter shal
be by Patuament appointed Commissioners and Collectors of the Customs, subsidies,
and other Revenues within England and wales, and the Towne and
port of Barwicke, collectors for prize-Goods, Treasurer and duallers for
the aby Lieutenant, or any other officers of the Ordinance, and all other
Officers and persons whatsoever, relating to the service of the aby of
any the Receipts thereunto set apart of assigned, and the Stores and Probisions
thereof, that have not as pet accounted, of having begun their Accounts,
shal not at the time of the passing of this present Act, have perfected the same
shal and are hereby required forthwith to account, and so from time to time for the
future, before the Auditours of the Prests that now are, which shall be appointed
by authority of Parliament, for all such sums of money, Ammunition or other
stores or provisions belonging to the aby. Prize-Goods, or other [unr] or
merchandize, or other things whatsoever, belonging to the Common-wealth, by
them and every of them respectively received of collected, of to their respective
charge, care of trust, committed, of come into their hands; out of their Disbursement.
Payments, uings and Dispositions there of respectively, according to the
warrants, ourhers and Discharges in that behalfe appointed be authority and direction
of Parliament. And for the better inabling the said Auditors or proceed in
the taking and auditing of the said Accounts, and to discharge of surcharge all and
thery the said persons by this Act accountable with such sums of mony, and other provisons,
stores and other goods, for which by the respective trusts to them committed
as aforesaid, they stand accountable to the common-wealth: Be it hereby further
Enacted and Drained, That the Committee heretofore authorized by Parliament
for taking the generall Accounts of the Kingdome, their Deputies, subcommittee,
Registers, and Clerkes, the Remembrancers and Clerks of the quet
all Customes, Comptrollers, Collectors and other Officers for the Customs,
and all Chequt-Officers and Comptrollers upon any the Receipts, collections Provisions
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