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A Tuesdaies journall of perfect, Number 4, 7th August 1649-14th July 1650 E.532[17]

Hurbert, Servant to the pretended King, who landed at Galaway about Six dayes
since, with the Kings Household-goods.
Slaine, Sir William Vaughan, Sir Edward Verney, Lieutenant Col, Daniel Brother
in Law to the Lord Taaffe, Col.Gerrard, Lieut. Col, Matthews, Brother in Law to
the Earle of Ormond, Major Bretaine, Lieu. Col. Beverly, her.
The Enemy hath quit severall Garrisons upon their marching off, viz Manouth,
Naas Donahades, and Richardstown.
Wednesday the English was appointed to be a day of Thanksgiving in Dublin
for this great Victory.
Thursday, Lieut. Generall Jones intended to march out againe with his
Army towards Drogheda.
Munday August 13.
THis day came further news from Ireland, that Ormonds forces have quit Ratchfarnham,
Sir Adam Lofius house, where is Ormonds Coach and six horses. Ormond
being fled to Kilkenny: And many prisoners are since taken. The Lord
Lieutenant is now shipping his men and horses, divers are aboard, provisions,
Ammunition,all ready, the monies then nereby, and a gallant Navy, and resolved
men, who hearing of the defeat of Ormond, long to be in the pursuit, Ormond
hath sent letters to P. Charles to excuse the routing of him.
From France came letters that the King of France was entertained in Paris
with great triumph, bells, bonesires, presents, and other trophees of joy, and
great expressions of love one to the other. Prince Charles is at St. Iermans Still,
the French are displeased with him, and say he is proud; they love the Duke of
Yorke better. The news from Ireland will stop the sending of P. Charles his commissioners
to Spaine and other parts, for that was in order to his expectation of
gaining of Ireland.
The Parliament of Scotland, and the Gen. Assembly of the Kirke are both
broke up: The Generall Assembly having published their Remonstrance or
Declaration, not onely Sectaries, but in a more especiall manner against the
Kings forces, malignants,as their great enemies,particularly naming the Lords,
Ormond, Ichequin, Ards,and others. It is in Presse to be published.
The Gen. Assembly also, have appointed a publicke Fast to be held the last of
this present August.
The Parliament of Scotland have sent a Letter to their King (not by Commissioners
but) by a private messenger, to let him know, that if he will not condiscend
to their last demands they will take care for themselves.
The Cheife heads are.
A Letter from the Lord Lieutenant Crumwell read in the House of Commons. The
Marquesse of Ormonds Letters to P. Charles. A Remonstrance of the Scots concerning
their King Charles II. And the Marquesse of Ormond, and the forces in Scotland, and Ireland,
His Majesties comming to Paris with the great entertainment he received from the
Citizens, The Kings Letter to the Parliaments: Coll. Jones his letter of the bloody fight
neer Dublin with a list of that great victory, and further newes brought yesterday by the
Post: The Marquesse of Ormond, his Coath and six horses taken, The examination of Col.
Munck. A Declaration concerning Ministers with respect to tender consciences. An Act
for Accounts. A Declaration, Votes of the House of Commons concerning the Crowns
of England, And a letter newly sent from the Parliament of Scotland to their King in
Hen. Walker Cler.

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