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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 105, 29th December 1649-5th January 1650 E.527[3]

Great harm was done this night by a nighty wind. Mr. Boster could not foretell it, but those that
affect Astronomy may read Uranis Practies, written by Vincent Wing, and William Leyburn.
Die Sabbashi December 30. 1648.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Committee of the Army doe
forthwith prepare warrants, and Letters to be sent to the severall Counties touching the sixty
thousand pound per menson to be paid to the Army under the command of the Generall.
H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.
Munday Jan. 1. 1648.
THe Commons this day passed this Declaration following,
The Commons assembled in Parliament doe declare, and adjudge, that (by the fundamentall
lawes of this realm,) it is Treason in the King of England (for the time being)
to leavie war against the Parliament, and Kingdome of England. The Lords concurrence
to be desired.
Then the House passed the Ordinance for tryall of the King, Whereas Charles Stuart,
The Judges are the Lord chief Justice Rolls, Chief Justice of England, Justice
St. John, Lord chief Justice of the Common-pleas, and Lord chief Baron Wild.
The Commissioners (who are to be as a Jury) are 150 (where of 20 of the quorum)
some of each House of Parliament, some of the Armie, and some from all the
40 Counties.
Of the Lords House, The Earl of Denhigh, Earl of Pembreck, Earl of Kent, Earl
of Mulgrave, Earl of Nottingham, and Lord Grey of Wark.
Of the House of Commons, The Lord Munson, Lord Grey of Groby, Lieut. Gen.
Crumwel, Maj. Gen Skippon, Commis. Gen. Ireton, Col. Harrison, Sir Henry Mildway,
Sir John Danvers, Sir Greg Norton, Col. Walton, Col. Moor, Mr. Edwards, Col.
Boswel, Mr. Cawley, Mr. Allen, Col. Ven. Col. Col. Ludsow, Col. Puresoy, Mr. Henningham,
Mr. Smith, Mr. Darley, Mr. Blagrave, Mr. Pary, Mr. Scot, Mr. Trenchard, Mr Corbets,
senior and Junior, Mr. Holland, Mr. Hallowes, Mr. Challoners, Sen. and Junior, Mr.
Lisle, Col. Dessels, and most of the Members now sitting.
Of the Army that are not Members, The Lord Gen. Fairfax, Col. Whatley, Col.
Rich, Sir Hardresse Waller, Col. Tomlinson, Col. Scroop, Col. Sanders, Col. Twifleton,
Col. Pride, Col. Hason, Col. Cook, Col. Barkstend, Col. Horton, Col. Desburrough,
Col. Dean, Col. Obey, &c.
Of the C tie of London, Alderman Pennington, Alderman Wollaston, Alderman
Fooks, Alderman Gibbs, Alderman Andrews, Alderman Atkins &c.
A Letter was read from Mr. Elsynge desiring the Commons to appoint another Clerke for the
The House chose a Committee to take account of, and bring in a List of the Books and Records,
and to present a List of such as the House may chuse an able Clerk out of, and Mr. Philps to sign the
Orders. And ordered Mr. Darnel 200 li. In part of 100 li. Due to him out of the Revenue.
The Souldiers this day surprised the Mayers in Salisbury Court and Drury lane, and brought them
prisoners to Whitehall; in their attire, Foots in theirs, and the King in theirs, but tooke the
Crown off his head; yet sometimes put it on againe. The Ladies were in a great fear, but had no
bar: Some of the exempted Members of parliament were there.
Die Luna Le Jan. 1648.
MR. Allen, Mr. Trencherd, Lieu. Gen. Crumwell, Mr. Scot, Mr. Darley, Col.
Harvey, Mr. Harrison, and Mr. Miles Corbet. This Committee, or any three of
them, are to consider of the Anticipations upon Goldsmiths-hall, the Excise and other Treasuries,
and how to take off, or otherwise secure, and satisfie the said anticipations, and to
prevent obstructions in the bringing in of the several revenues, with power to send for Persons,
Papers, Witnesses, Records.
H. Elfynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.
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