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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 106, 5th-12th January 1649 E.527[5]

Numb. 106.
Perfect Occurrences
Every Daies journall
The Treaty with His Majesty: And other
From His Excellency The Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other Parts.
From Fryday January the 5. to Fryday Jan. the 12. 1648.
Collected by H. Walker Clerics
Published by a Particular Order of Parliament.
LONDON, Printed by J. C. for John Clewes, and Robert Ibbitson and
are to be sold near Cripplegate, and in Smithfield
Begining Fryday Jan. the 5.
SEleucias beauty was parch't in summer,when the Farthian
Kings life Stosiphon: But M. Curius was famous to
all Rome; for when he had vanquished the Sawmites, and
Sabines; And subdued King Pyrhus. He restored the
peoples liberties, and left none of the Nation poore.
I will tell you what a Parliament signifies in Hebrew
written thus.
[Foreign] Is in English,
An Ornament of the peoples trust.
The Commons (this day) passed Instructions for a
Committee,to bring in a Declaration to give reasons to the Kingdom why they have
recalled the Votes and Declarations which they lately nulled.
In regard that there was not a Clarke setled to the House at present, the Ordinance
for tryall of the King was put off,till the day following. And the House voted
Mr. Scobell to be their Clarke, and Mr. Darnell to continue Clark assistant; both
honest, discrect, and able Lawyers. Die Venera 5. Jan. 1648.
Mr. Corbet Reports the opinion of the Committee appointed to consider how the
affaires of the Navy may be mannaged for the most advantage of this Kingdom.
Resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this house doth approve of
such S ships appointed for the severall services agreed on by the said Committee.
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