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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 107, 12th-19th January 1649 E.527[8]

Num 107
Perfect Occurrences.
Every Daie journall
Proceedings with His Majesty: And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other parts.
From Friday Janna. the 12. to Friday January 19. 1648.
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
By a particular Order of Parliament
Imprimater Gil. Mabbot. 18. Jan. 1648.
Printed at London by R. I. for Robert Ibbitson, & John Clowes, and are to be sold in
Smithfield, and without Creplegate., 1649.
Beginning Friday Januar, 12.
FReedome sweetens all earthly joyes: Ganymedes was lightsome.
And by his Calestiall liberty at Harpagia, became an
admiration to all Phrygia.
The draughts of the intended new Great Seal, was this
day brought to the Commons; some amendments appointed
concerning the Islands; And the dispatches for finishing
of it pressed. The memorable Motto thereof, concerning
Englands Freedom, I gave you in my last,
The Cossocks now risen in Polonia, have created them a new Prince, to whom is
given this Title.
Theodatus Chmielnizke, by the grace of God Generall of the most famous Religion
of Greece, and the most glorious Church there, Emperour of the whole Army of the youth of
Souldiers, Zoporavici. The terrible Conqueror of the strong bolds of Poland, powring out
the blood of the Nobility of the whole State, The Extirpater of the Roman Priests, The
persecutor of Infidels, Antichrist, and the Jews.
The Commons passed an Order and Instructions for the Solicitor Generall, to
draw up a Writ to passe the Great Seale, for the Contractors of the Bishops
Lands, and all others that are authorized by Ordinances or Orders of Parliament,
for confirming of all Acts made with lenders, or purchasers thereof: In
which is some amendments to what formerly passed.
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