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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 121, 20th-27th April 1649 E.529[21]

one of their owne Councell to Lieut. Gen. David Leisley, who is returned to St. Johnstons,
and has moved their purpose in the very beginning. There was a great meeting of the Commanders
of the Army at St. Johnstories on Wednesday last. The Lord Burleach is to
bee here on Wednesday next, if not sooner.
Hattile the 5th of Aprill 1649.
The House Voted thankes to be given to M. Caroll, M. Owen, and Mr. Warren, for
their Sermons preached the day before (being the Fast for England) before them,
And they to Print their Sermons.
A Committee was appointed to bring in an Act for nulling the monthly Fast
And a Declaration to be published to the people.
Die Veneris 20 Aprill 1649.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That Thursday being the 3 day of
May next, be set apart for a day of Humiliation to be observed in all Churches and
Chappells within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the late lines of Communication,
and Bills of Mortallity, as well upon the grounds of the Fast kept yesterday, as also
to implore Gods blessing upon the forces of the Parliament, already in Ireland, and that
are to be sent thither; And that Thursday the 17th day of May, shall bee observed as a
day of Publicke Humiliation, upon the same grounds in all Churches and Chappells in all other
places in England and Wales.
Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House ordered Mr. Knight, Mr. Th Goodwin, and Mr. Vening to preach before
them at Margarets Westminster on the Fast day May 3. next.
A Letter from Gravesend.
THe Admiralls are come bither, and the Ships are ready (nigh halfe a score of them hereabouts)
Mr. Peters the Minister hath been aboard some of them, and asked them whether
they were well resolved to their Voyage against the Princes ships, and to comply with their.
Admiralls, at which they cryed out as one man, that they would live and dye with
the Admiralls, and in severall ships they have caused a Protestation, by way of ingagement
(and the rest are doing the same) all signed it with great unanimity and chearfullnesse, to go
on against the revolted ships. There is 1200 li. in Gold Stayed that was carrying beyond the
Seas, transporting out of England, it is beleeved that above 100000 li. hath been carryed
away within this twelve Months. There are come into this River, and at the mouth of the
River 130 ships of Coales safe guarded by the Greyhound. One of the Princes ships had
seized 4 small vessells of Fishermen in Lee-roade; but they were setched back againe, and
bad not the Pirate been swift she had been snapt for we had her in chase 2 leagues.
Gravesend 20 April 1649.
Letters came from Ireland, That Col. Jones if he have more bread come sent
him, is in a good condition at present, to keep Dublin, if the Enemy come.
The Assembly of Divines (who sit every Friday) this day passed 3 Ministers,
(viz.) Mr. Anthony Walker, to be Minister for Clement Danes Parish, without
Temple Bar, one M. Preston for Tharverton in Devonshire, and another. But the Gentleman
that was presented for Wutton, for want of Certificates to satisfie, was
referred to the Classes.
The House of Commons passed Instructions for the Councel of State for appointing
of a Stampe for monies to be coyned, And left to the Councell to determine.
Dr. Doreslaw is going Agent beyond sea, to Holland, and so &c.
The French Embassadour is returning backe from England, to take
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