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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 120, 13th-20th April 1649 E.529[15]

Numb. 120.
Perfect Occurrences
Every Daies Journall
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And Other
From His Excellency The Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other Part,
From Fryday April the Fryday April the 20.1649.
Imprimatur Theodore Jennings. April 19. 1649.
Collected by H. Walker Clerics by a Particular Order of Parliaments.
LONDON, Printed by J.C. For John Clowes, and Robert [unr]bbinson and
are to be sold near Cripplegate, and to Smithfield
Beginning Fryday April 13.
LOvaine never had more famous Patriots for Brahant,
then London hath had English; And Winchester is
gallant herein.
Nicholas Love written in Hebrew Characters thus,
Signifies in Hebrew thus.
A form is finished.
Die Veneris 13. April 1649.
Mr. Love Report Several formes of a new Mace,
(Amongst which was the Resolution of a
committee; That one was fittest, which was
with the Maps of England and Ireland, with the
Armes of England and Ireland, Instead of the
Armes of the late King, and the Crown &c.) for the Serjants at Armes, both for the
House of Commons, and for the Court of Chancery, &c. (And on the top to be a
ball with the Crosse in it, but not upon it.)
Resolved upon the question, by the commons in Parliaments Assembled, That the new
forme of the Mace, shall be the forme to be used.
H. Scobel, Clec, Parl.
Die Veneris 13. April 1649.
Ordered by the Commons in Parliament Assembled; That the Committee of the Army,
be required to issue out their Warrants to the Treasurers as Warres to pay the
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