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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

Perfect Occurrences.
Every Daie journall
Proceedings of the councell of State: And Other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army,and other parts.
From Friday April. The 6 to Friday April 13. 1649.
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
By Particular Order of Parliament
Imprimater Theodore Jennings. 12, April. 1649.
Printed at London by R.I. For Robert Ibbitson, & John Clowes and are to be sold in
Smithfield, and without Creplegate. 1649.
Beginning Friday April 6.
HYda is fitter for those that warder about Tmolus
then the more sollid Lydians: Though the long
robe off juggle the law, yet sometimes they are
cast in the vardict : Honest men may suffer, but
when bad men fall, they are quite comfortlesse.
Edward Hyde, written in Hebrew thus.
Signifies in English I shall be inhabited with a
joynt noise.
Sir Edward Hyde and the rest of Prince
Charle's Councell at the Hague being with the
Prince, who received letters from the Earle of
Branford,that no great supplyes were like to be expected from Swedland, a meeting
was appointed to treate about the Scots Lords, but with dislike.
Die Veneris 6 April 1649.
THe humble petition of the Master, Bailiffes, Wardens, Assistants,and Commonalty
of the Company of Weavers of London was this day read. (As followeth)
Sheweth, That your Petitioners render most humble thanks for your Honors
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