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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 117, 23rd-30th March 1649 E.529[3]

Perfect Occurrences.
Every Daie iournall
Proceedings of the Councell of State : And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other parts.
From Friday Mar.the 23. to Friday March 30. 1649.
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
By a particular Order of Parliament
Imprimater Theodore Jennings. 29.March.1649.
Printed at London by R.I. for Robert Ibbitson, & John Clowes. and are to be sold in
Smithfield, and without Creplegate. 1649.
Beginning Friday March 23
POppea was unfortunate in Nero, Deione was more
happy, (and so all Ionia too, in Miletus) Blacna
is a joy in Pontus refreshed with the streames of
Amnias. God makes (as places, so) good men,
comforts to Countries and people.
The three Commissioners-Admirall have
much hastened the Ships for the Navy, to protect
the trade and peace of England from Pirats
and Foraigne disturbance.
Pophom, Deane, Blague written in Hebrew characters
Being translated into English is thus (viz)
This is as the mouth of Judgement, to comfort.
There are 25 of the old Ships, 5 Marchants, and 8 of the new men of War ready
at Sea, others will shortly be ready also.
Die Veneris is 23. Martii 1648.
An Act of Parliament for altering of the SEALE of the Court of
BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority of the same, That the Seale,
upon the one side, whereof is engraven the Parliament of England, with the English
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