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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 117, 23rd-30th March 1649 E.529[3]

tending to the setling of the Navy for the Summers Fleet, with Instructions for
monies for the Navy, and for ordering of the Ships, upon which the House
passed these two Votes, viz.
Die Veneris 23. Martii, 1648.
1. REsolved upon the Question by the Commons in Parliament Assembled, That this
House doth approve of the setling of the Summers Fleet, as it is presented in the
Reports from the Councell of State.
2. Resolved, &c. That this House, in the present ordering and setling monies, and the
receipt therof, will take effectuall course for the certaine supply of the summes here demanded
for this years service of the Navall affaires, and at the times propounded.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House was informed of 8000 li. part of 50000 li. of the Scots monies
disposed of for the Navy concerning which the House passed Instructions for security
to the Treasurers of Goldsmiths-Hall.
And upon consideration of the three hundred pounds a week upon the Arrears
of the Isle of Ely, and of Croyland, to be disposed of and paid, according to
former order of the House of Commons. The House this day passed this Order
following, viz.
Die Veneris 23. Martii 1648.
1. ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the Commissioners for the
Excise, be required forthwith to pay to the use of the Navy the Summe of ten thousand
pounds, in part of the monies charged on the Excise, for the three hundred pounds per week,
on the Articles of the Isle of Ely and Croyland.
2. Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy to see this done accordingly.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The Commons passed further Instructions for the Committee formerly appointed
to consider of the disposall of the Forrests, and Parks belonging to the
late King, and gave them power to sit and act. Three to be of the Quorum.
And more Particularly concerning Parks, the House ordered to refer it to the
Councell of State, to consider how Parks may be let for one year for the best advantage of the Commonwealth.
It was also referred to the Councell of State of sell such old decayed pollard
Trees in the Forrests, Chases, and Parks of the late King as they shall think fit,
for the benefit of the Commonwealth.
The Commons ordered that there should be a Commission drawn up for Authorizing
the Judge of the Admiralty, and other Officers of that Court to proceed
to triall, and passe sentence of death upon such Captains of Ships, and other
Sea-officers, now in the power of the Parliament, as have revolted from the
Parliament, and engaged with the common Enemy against them.
And for the further supply of the Navy, and other publick affairs (at present)
the House passed severall orders about the goods belonging to the late King,
Queen and Prince. A Committee was chosen for nominating of Commissioners
none to be Members of Parliament to sell the said goods. And for an
Inventory to be taken thereof. For instructions for valuing them. Also for paying
of such debts out of the said goods as was owing to well affected persons
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