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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 130, 22nd-29th June 1649 E.531[6]

Perfect Occurrences
Every Daies iournall
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other Parts,
From Fryday June the 22. to Fryday June the 29. 1649.
Imprimatur Theodore Jennings. June 28. 1649.
Collected by H. Walker Olerics by a Particular Order of Parliament.
LONDON, Printed by J. C. for John Clowes, and Robert Jbbirs[unr]on, and
are to be sold near Cripplegate, and in Smithfield
Beginning Fryday June 22.
CRommyonesus had no Homer: Smyrana had that
glory, the other was the more happy by neere
Scituation, and the people prospered by submission:
Ireland hath layen long in darknes, The
nearer she approaches to God, the more she enjoyes
Light and Glory.
Upon a Curious search by the Orientall tongue,
I finde Oliver Crumwell, written exactly thus in
the Hebrew Charrecters
To signefy in English (expresly)thus, I shall
cause the light of the high God to be adhered unto.
Die Veneris 22. June 1649.
MR. Scot Reports from the Councell of State, The forme of a Commission to
Lient. Gen. Crumwell, to be Commander in chief of the forces in Ireland: and
Governour Generall of Ireland; which was this day read in Latine, and afterwards was
read in English.
The house passed the said forme of the Act, for 3 years: And Ordered that Mr.
Atturney Generall be required to prepare the Commission accordingly, (by the said
forme) to passe the Great Seale. And the said Commissioners were ordered, to passe
the said Commission accordingly.
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