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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 130, 22nd-29th June 1649 E.531[6]

It was also ordered, That the Councell of State do draw up Instructions for Governour
Generall Cromwell for the execution of his place in Ireland.
Die Ve[unr] 22. June 1649.
BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority thereof,That the Lords
Commissioners for the Great Seale of England (for the time being) be enabled
and authorized, to heare and determine all such cases as shall at any time hereafter he
brought, or come before them, by Petitions or Bill touching Admony: And to make such
provision of maintenance in all and every such cases, as they shall finde just, and agreeable
to equity and good cons ience, upon consideration as well of the portion, or estate that
hath been paid, or come to the husband by such wife, as shall pray releif by her self, or her
friends, as other matter of equity : And to make Decrèe, and take an effectuall [unr]se
for payment thereof out of the Estates of such Husbands.
Hen. ScoberCler. Parliament.
Mr. Leuthall and other Members (upon Report of the Reasons of their absence)
were ordered to be admitted to sit in the House.
An Act was brought in for the assises of Palatine of Lancaster, which was read
the first and second time, and upon the question Committed.
The house passed an Act for making of Mr. Bernerd to be Stew ard for the
Court of Pleas in the Isle of Ely.
Reports were made from the Councell of State, concerning what is their opinion
what is fit to be done before the House adjourne, as to the passing of severall Acts.
(viz.) I. For an Act for a Generall pardon with 4 excuptions, to certaine persons to
whome mercy is not to be extended. 2. For securing of the Publick Debts of the
Nation. 3. For setling the Militia. 4. An Act for punishing revolted Seamen, and
Mariners. 5. To prevent transportation of Wooll. 6. To prevent exportation of
Gold and Silver. 7. To relieve welaffected Tenants to Malignants, who are oppressed
by their Land-lords for adhering to the Parliament. 8. For punishing the Printers
and Publishers of scandalous, and unlicensed Pamphlets. 9, For punishing
scandalous Ministers. 10. For revoking the case of 35 of Elizabeth, concerning
penalties. II. For releif of poore prisoners for Debt. 12. For securing the Souldiers
Arrears out of the late Kings Lands. 13. For probate, of Wills, and granting
of Administrations, and sething a way to Invest Ministers presented there to be
put in a way presently.
Die Veneris 22. June 1649.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Surveyer, and Mr.
Kinnersley, do take care to make the painted Chamber, and the roome adjoyning,
ready and fitting for the Judges that are appointed to sit there touching Articles; And
furnish the same with Hangings, and other necessary furniture.
Hen. Scob. Cler. Parl.
The house Ordered that Mr. Atturney Generall be Authorized to prepare
Generall Pardon, and passed Instructions therein for the limmitations aforesaide.
The Councell of State made other Reports for the next Sessions of the Parliament,
(viz:) [unr] That a Commission be granted to fit persons in the severall Counties,
to examine the value of Tyths throughout the Nation, that they may be taken
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