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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 130, 22nd-29th June 1649 E.531[6]

away, and other maintenance settled instead thereof. 2. That an Act for the calling,
ending and settling of future Parliaments be prepared by the Councell of State.
3.That they prepare an Act for regulating the tediousnesse and corruptness
of Law Su[unr]es, And to consider what Lawes are fit to be repeated. Some other
things (are to be Reported from the Councell of State, for the passing of other
[unr] be house Ordered to proceed upon these Reports on the Munday following,
and so de die in diemall the week, until they be finished.
A warrant issued out for the apprehending of the Author, Printer, and Publisher
of an Unsscenesed, Scandalous Lying Pamphlet, called The Kingdoms Faithfull
Reports this day made concerning Harmab Allen, was referred to an other time,
to be taken into consideration.
The house Ordered, That it be referred to the Councell of State, to examine who
were the discoverers of the 1500 l. and passed Instructions for rewarding them as
they shall hold fit.
An Order passed for payment of part of the Arrears to Col. Meddolph, And some
further Instructions also about one Mr. Penington.
Die Veneris 22. June 1649.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Committee of Accounts
sitting at Worcester house, be appointed the Committee mentioned on the
Act entituled (An Act for the present examining, and stating of the Accompts of the
Officers and Souldiers, now in the Parliaments forces in this Nation) for the receiving
the severall Certificates, Accompts, Oaths, and severall Examinations, and other
evidences whereupon the Accompts are grounded, which shall be returned, and sent by the
hands of some commission Officer, or Officers under the respective Commands; And to
poceed further thereupon according to the said Act.
Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
There is new by Printed is booke entitled, Short-Writing the most onfie exact, &c.
That hath ever yet been obtained, with an explanation of all the Rules, Composed
by M. Metcalfe (diverse have learned it in 2. or 3. daies) sold by I. Hancock in
Popes head Alley next shop to Cornhill.
By severall Letters from Ireland, and from Chester City, came by expresse thus.
I Received both yours of the 26. past, and at the 2. Instant, Since my former, Major
Harthey Commanding in Talbots Town, wherein he was in all things fully provided,
hath basely, and with [unr]ale or no dispute, given up the place to Ormond; he is since Condemned
by a Councel of War to be shot to death. Castle-Sallough hath followed the other;
Haristowne is burnt, and the Garison drowning, so is also the Garison in the Nesse, The
Enemy is now besone. Kildare, 23. miles from hence. For he liked not the dealing with
Bellisonon; our Horse are this day marched out, and are to meete our Foote tomorrow as
Rathcoole, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Sir Patrick Weames, and Sir Thomas Merideth,
are imployed Northward, for inviting hither a party of 500. Horse, if they may be
had, for strengthning this small party, Col. Munke is here with about 100. Horse, he goeth
along with us, I hope in my next to give you some account of our proceeding.
Dublin 13. June, 1649.
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