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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 140, 31st August-7th September 1649 E.532[35]

Perfect Occurrences.
Every Daie Journall
Proceedings of the Councell of States And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other parts
From Friday August the 31. to Friday September.7.1649.
Collected by Henry Walker Clerit.
By a particular Order of Parliament.
Imprimator Theodore Jennings September.6.1649.
Printed at London by J C. for the John Clewes, & Robert Ibbitson, and are to be Sold
near Cripplegate, and in Smithfield.
Beginning Fryday August 31.
Codes was sovaliant, that Personns, and his whole
Army were kept back by him at Romes Leagure
God Doth great things for us.
There came a Letter from col. George [unr]
his name written thus in Herberts.
Signifies in English.
Displey: the vally is thy strength.
I Am now with my Regiment come to Dublin in
Ireland, only Captain Cambye is behind with
his own Company, and some recruits God hath
bin very gracious to the Army, not only in [unr]
way for our landing, in raising the siege before we came. (without which we should have
been forward to fight for our landings) but also in bringing our Army to land confortably
together, My Lord with his Army set faile from Milford, the 13. of this march being
Munday, with a Resolution to saile to Munster, if the wind should serve, but before [unr]
third part of the fleete got out of the Harbour, the wind turned and stept those ships that
were not out, that they were forced to go in again, whereupon my Lord with 30. Ships,
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