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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 140, 31st August-7th September 1649 E.532[35]

The great occasion he is like to have for men to Supply the Garison as they are
reduced, without which he must be constrained to demolish them, And he desireth
men also for the filling up of his Regiments; some 2000. will serve for all.
The House passed instructions for the Councel of State, to send over Such Supplies
as shall be necessary, not charging the Common-wealth above the assesments
and to confer with the Lord Gen.therein.
The Parl. Passed Instructions for the Councel of State to send Serjant Dendy to
proclaim the Act in London, prohibiting French wines, &c. from being imported
into England
Severall Votes passed about one Mr.Warner, for nulling former Orders, for admitting
him to compound, in regard he had not prosecuted it, and after a second
time allowed again defaulted.
An Act passed for the Dissipline of the Island in the West-India plantations
An Act was ordered to be brought in, that no Beere of Ale, be brewed to be
sold above 10 s.a Barrell. And for ordering Tipling houses, it was brought in and
read the first time and committed.
The Act for prisoners was ordered to be brought in on Tuesday following.
Col.Feelders accompts passed for 2348l. And it was ordered that he shall be
allowed it out of such concealed Delinquents Estates, as he shall discover.
It was referred to a Committee, to consider how 200 l. formerly given to Cap.
Polton of Nottingham Castle, may be advanced for him.
Die Veneris, 31. August. 1649.
REsolved (upon the question) by the Commons assembled in Parl. That Mr.
Walter Mountagu do within 10. dayes next ensuing, depart this Nation and
all the Dominions thereof, and not to return again into this Nation; or any the dominions
thereof, upon pain of Death, and Confiscation of his Estate.
2. Resolved, &c. That who soever shall conceal him the said Walter Mountagu
within this Common-Wealth, at any time after the said 10.dayes, the Estates of such
persons so concealing him, shall be sequestred.
3. Resolved, &c. That these Votes be forth with printed and published, and set up
in the most publike places within the Cities of London and Westminister, and the Liberties
4. Resolved, &c. That Sir Kenelm Digby do depart this Nation, and all the Dominions
thereof, within 20. dayes next ensuing, and not return without particular leave
first had of the Parliament, upon pain of Death, and Confiscation of his Estate, Real and
5. Ordered, &c. That this Vote be forthwith printed and published.
6. Resolved, &c. That the Estate and Estates of all such person or persons as shall
or do conceal Sir John Winter Mr. Walter Mountagu, and Sir Kenelm Digby or
any of them, shall be Sequestred.
7. Ordered, That the Sergeant at Arms attending this house, do give notice of these
several Orders to the said Sir Kenelm Digby, and Mr. Walter Mountagu,
and to see
[unr]bese Votes printed and Posted up.
Hen Scobel, Cleric Parliament
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