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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 5, 26th October-2nd November 1649 E.533[21]

where are very good houses, and other Accommodations fitted
to their hands, and may by your favour be made of encouragement
to them; as also a feate of good trade, both inward and
outward, and of marvelous great advantage in the point of
the Herring and other fishing. The town is pleasantly seated
and strong, having a Rampart of Earth within the Wall, neare
fifteen foot thick. Thus it hath pleased God to give into your
hands this other Mercy, for which, as for all, we pray, God
may have all the glory: Indeed your instruments are poor and
weak, and can do nothing but through Believing, and that is
the gift of God also, I humbly take leave and rest.
Your most humble Servant,
Wexford 14 Octo.
A day or two before our Battery was planted, Ormond, the Earle
of Castlehaven, the Lord of Ardes and Clanneboyes were on
the other side of the water, with about one thousand eight hundred
Horse, One thousand five Hundred Foot, and offered to put in four
or five Hundred Foot more into the Towne, which the Towne refusing,
be marched away in all haste: I sent the Lieutenant Generall
after him, with about One thousand four Hundred Horse, but the enemy
made from him.
The Propositions of Col: David Sinnot, Governour of
the Towne and Castle of Wexford, for and on the
behalfe of the Officers and Souldiers, and Inhabitants
in the said Towne and Castle, unto Generall
IMprimis, That all and every the Inhabitants of the said town,
from time to time and at all times hereafter shall have free
and uninterrupted liberty, publickly to use, exercise and professe
the Roman Catholicke Religion, without restriction, mulct
of penalty, Any Law or Statue to the contrary notwithstanding.
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