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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

Severall Proceedings
From Friday the 14 day of December, to Friday
the 21 day of December. 1649.
Licensed by the Clerke of the
Printed at London for Robert Ibbitson, dwelling
in Smithfield, neer Hosier Lane. 1649.
Beginning on Friday 14 December 1649.
A Report was this day made unto the House from the
Grand Committee, of their Resolutions and proceedings
concerning the businesse of the Excise.
The Humble Petition of the London Merchants,
with a Remonstrance there unto annexed, was this day
Ordered by the Parliament,
That it be especially recommended to the Councell
of State, to take care for the speedy setting forth the Winter
Guard, and likewise to prepare the Summer Guard, for the suppressing
of Pyrates. Advantage of Trade; incouraging Merchants, and Securing
their shipping at Sea.
Ordered, &c. That it be especially recommended to the Councell of
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