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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

person or persons, comprehended under the aforesaid exceptions,
being chosen, shall presume to fit in the Court of Aldermen,
Common councell, or execute any the aforesaid Offices
contrary to the true intent of this Act, shall forfeit the summe of
two hundred pounds; the one halfe whereof shall be within
twenty dayes paid to him or them that shall make proofe thereof;
and the other moyety to be paid to the Corporation for the
Poore: And it is hereby Declared, That all such Elections
are Null and void: And the Lord Mayor for the time being, is
hereby required from time to time to give Order, that this Act,
be Published at all Elections, and that the same be strictly and
punctually observed; and for the better execution of this Act,
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Lord Mayor of London, the
Sheriffes and Alderman, and Justices of the Peace within the
said City of London, or any two of them, shall and are herby authorized
to commit to Prison all such persons, as after due proof
upon Oath to be made unto them, or any two of them, of any
person that shall make any Disturbance at any Election, contrary
to this Act, and to levy the said Fine of two hundred
pounds, by Distresse and sale of the goods of the person or persons
so offending contrary to this Act.
Die Veneris, 14 December. 1649.
ORdered by the Parliament That this Act be forthwith
Printed and Published.
Hen: Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House according to former order, adjourned
till Tuesday next.
Saturday 15. Decemb.
This day the Parliament sate not.
Munday 17 Decemb.
This day the Parliament sate not.
Thursday 18.December 1649.
AN Act concerning Elections of Questmen, Constables
and other subordinate Officers within the City of London,
and Liberties thereof was this day passed, as followeth:
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