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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

Die Marin, 18.December is 1649.
An Act touching the Election of Questmen, Constables, and all
other subordinate officers within the City of London, and
the Liberties thereof.
WHereas by an Act of Parliament; made the 14 of this
instant December (Entituled, An Act disabling the Election
of divers persons to any office or Place of trust within the
City of London, and the Votes of such persons in such Elections)
whereby divers directions are given for the same Elections.
The Parliament of England do Enact, and hereby give order
concerning the Election of Questmen, Constables, and all other
subordinate Officers whatsoever, within the said City and Liberties
thereof, for the yeare ensuing, that the same Elections
may be made so, that it be of such persons that have not beene
imprisoned, not hath had his Estate Sequestred for Delinquency,
nor hath assisted the late King against the Parliament, in
the first of second Wars; nor hath been aiding of assisting in
bringing in the Scots Army to Invade the Common-wealth of
England, in the yeare One thousand six hundred forty eight, nor
did subscribe or abet the treasonable Ingagement, in the yeare
One thousand six hundred forty and seven; nor did assist or abet
the Tumults within the Cities of London and Westminster, or in
the Counties of Kent, Essex, Middlesex, or Surrey, in the yeare
One thousand fix hundred forty and eight. And that the same
Elections be of such persons (as shall subscribed the Ingagement,
To be true and faithfull to this Common-wealth) in the
same. Act mentioned. And it is further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That the Lord Major, and such Alderman in his
Ward respectively, shall have power to tender and take the
Subscriptions in the said Act mentioned, of all persons that
shall be elected and chosen to any office or palce whatsoever, by
vertue of this or the said recited Act. And that the Lord Mayor
and each Alderman in his Wardmore, shall have power to
commit to Prison any person of persons that shall make any
Disturbance at any Election, contrary to this, or the before recited
Ordered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith
Printed and Published. Hen Scobel, Cleric. Parliamenti.
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