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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

The House according to former Order resumed the debate upon
the Report from the Grand Committee of the House for
Excise, and Proceeded upon some of the Rates.
A Letter from Chester.
MY absence from home must excuse my silence the last
Post, I was the last weeks foure days at Liverpoole, came
home on the Lordsday last, where by Gods goodnes we shipped
Friday and Saturday at Liverpoole and Nesten, 500 men of
Colonell Prides, and 557 of Major Pitsons, and 350 of Colonell
mores, and tomorrow morning if God permit, I goe to
ship three Companies of honest Colonell Fenwicks, and then
there will not be one vessell lest in Chester or Liverpoole water.
This Eusterly wind hinders all Intelligence out of Ireland, and
it now being one a clock after midnight, inforceth brevity in him
that will ever be,
Your most faithfull servant to Command
Chester 10 Decemb.
1649. Charles Walley.
A Letter from Newcastle.
AFter my kind respects presented to you, I desire you that
you would be pleased to view this Act or rather Ordiance
of the Aldermen and Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle.
I doe beleeve had this not been a Garrison there would have
fallon out sad disafters, for the Apprentices have given out, that
they will be the death of some of them that contrived this Act,
many having been in the service, and now they say, is this the
liberty they have fought for. They have imprisoned three that
would not submit to the Act, and there they must lye till they
doe submit, their foreheads are shaven, and their haire cut
round to their very eares, which makes them a shamed to shew
their faces, they say if they cannot be entertained in the service,
they will traise a Picke under the Turke, rather then to be thus
tyrannized over.
Newcastle to Decemb. 1649.
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