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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

through melancholy, and discontent; they have sent the
ship which revolted to them to Montrosse, for more men and
Newcastle 14. December, 1649.
Wednesday 19 Decemb.
This day the House proceeded in debating the Rates of Excise
reported from the Grand Committee.
This day the Lectures were read at the Academy in White
Sir Ealthazar Gerbier doth desire first, that the Publique will
be pleased to take notice, that henceforth the gratis Lectures in
his Academy in White Fryers, Shall being but immediately after
three of the clock in the afternoone, that Lovers of Vertue
may have convenient time to repaire thither.
Secondly, that as his Scope in the erection of the Said Academy,
is for the generall improvement of all Lovers of Vertue,
so for the honour of this Nation. And if any able persons have
a desire to shew their love for the encouraging of such a vertuous
designe, it shall be free unto them, to expresse themselves
both in particular, or in Publique, and for to manifest their Talent
in the same place, by publique gratis Lectures, from the
which none are excluded especially those of this Nation, so it be
on unquestionable Principles, Warrantable Termes, Consonant to
Godlinesse, and with all due respect to this State.
Wednesday next shall be God willing a general Lecture concerning
the utility of the Languages, Arts, Sciences, and all
the noble Exercises profest by the Academy, with an intermixture
of pleasing musick. And whereas Lovers of the Spanish.
Italian and French Languages, have desired to heare read
in those Languages the heads of the said Lectures, Sir Balthazar
Gerbier will order the same so to be.
The Lectures intended the week after, is designed for the Ladies,
and Honourable Women of this Nation, and is to be on
the art of well-Speaking, according as it hath been required by
some of those who are desirous thereof. After which the Academy
will indeavour to represent in severall Scence, not only
the opperations of severall Sciences, with respect to the
present times. That so other Nations may not have any longer
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