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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 12, 14th-21st December 1649 E.533[30]

time, or more just cause to brag that they only are in possession
of these advantages of Educations.
This if it can be compassed, and that the Nation minds more
the advantages proferred here at home, for the education of young
men, then the sending them abroad on pretences of placing them
(though at double charges)into forreigne Universities, some of
them not much better then our Free-Schooles in England, or
into some Academy; where in a yeare or two they cost their
Parents many hundred of pounds, returning onely with somewhat
of Riding, somewhat of the Language, cheifly filling
their sancies, but gaining very little of experience. Pave of the
great rates of Chamber garnies, leaving in fine the honour of
that so deare bought, to forraige advantage, and in a time that
the tendernesse of their years, is uncapable of strong impressions,
and the frequentation of those wits which stile themselves Espirits,
forts, whose conversations discharge either a volley of
Atheistical or Sophisticall doubts or questions, when the weak
Pupill remaining bathfull or out of countenance is constrained
to confesse ignoramus, and divers of them fashion-take to
change their Religion to the worse, which never makes a man
better. Onely this is an infallible Argument, That an honest
man sticks firme to his Religion, and faithfull in Christ, is zealous
in the same.
The Orations (upon exposition of Hebrew) on the Creation of
the world, are also continues there every Wednesday at the same
There are some long-expected Books now published; particularly
one entitled, Rome ruined by White-hall, or the Papall
Crowne demolished, containing a Confutation of three degrees
of Popery, viz. Papacy, Prelacy, and Presbytery; answerable
to the tripple Crowne of the three-headed cerberus the Pope,
with his threefold Hierarchies aforesaid. With a dispelling of
all other dispersed clouds of Error, which doth interpose the
cleare Sunshine of the Gospel in our Horizon. (Thus much are
the words of the Title of the Book.) They are to be sold by
Thomas Payne, Printer in Goldsmiths-Alley in Red-crosse.
Street. Also Consideration concerning the present Engagement
And a Oase of Conscience concerning Ministers medling with State Mattars.
Both to be sold by Rich, Widnoth at the Star in Cornhill, 1650.
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