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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 8, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[37]

and hee is then to have a passe to goe beyond the Seas.
The Commons ordered, That it bee referred to the Councell of State, to
consider of the Castles in Kent (viz) Dover Castle, Waymouth Castle, and
Sandoun Castle, and to take care that they may be repaired as neede shall require,
and supplies to be speedily provided for them.
Com. Gen. Ireton,
Sir Will. Allenson
Mr. Dove
Colonell Venn
Mr. Weaver
Mr. Blackstone
Mr. Allen.
Sir William Massum,
Mr. Melthorpe
Mr. Scot
Mr. Corbet
Colonell Hutchinson
Mr. Prideux
Mr. Edward Ash
Mr. James Chaloner
Mr. Lifle
Mr. Pury
Mr. Leman
Colonell Harvey
Mr. Luke Robinson
This Committee or any three of them are to examine the state and condition of the anticipations
on Goldsmiths Hall and the Excise, and consider which of them are fit to be continued,
and what to be transferred on some other visible security. And this Committee
have power to send to the Commissioners of the Excise, and also the Treasurees of Goldsmiths
Hall for the severall Ordinances whereby the severall receipts are charged and the
Assessements for their information, and to make their report forthwith to the House. And
it is ordered in the means time, Thus the payment of all principall monies one of the said receipts
of Goldsmiths hall be sorborn until the Committee make their report, and this House
give further order, except such monies as are to be paid for the supply of the Navy or
Armie, or for Widdowes and mai[nl]med Souldiers.
The House then adjourned until Wednesday morning following.
Tuesday March 12.
The House of Commons sate not this day, The Councell of State sate, upon the
businesse of Ireland, as to persons that shall command in chiefe, also concerning
the Navy, as to give power to the Commissioners of the Navy.
Noble Sir,
A Letter from France.
There hath been a Treaty in Ruell between the Kings Commissioners and the Parliaments,
Those for the King were the Duke of Orleance, and the Prince de Conde,
and other persons of quality: And of the Parliaments sode, Monsier la President, dela
Mesine, the President of Noveau, and others 12 of a side, they concluded an agreement
and gave to those great men of the Parisians 4 days time to have it ratified, and to the Duke
of Longvill, and others out of Paris 10 dayes : But [unr] is supposed that wither of them will
concur to the agreement, and the people here shew themselves very much discontented with
that conclusion: There came this day into this City an expresse from the Marshall Tureine
(who commands in cheife, all the forces in Germany for the French King) that be and
his whole Army have wholly declared for the Parliament and City of Paris, and seifed
the town of Brisaque, which is one of the strongest holds in Europe, and the old passage for
the Alsaques in Germany, and is seated on the river of Rhine: It was wholly for the King
of France, And now declares for the Parliament, The Queen Regent [unr] sent in monies
2000 Pistols to the Queen of England to buy mourning for the death of the King her
Paris the 16/6
From the Navy came letters which certifie that the Elizabeth ship, hath taken
an Irish Frigot, and brought it into [unr] with a Guns, and 50 men.
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