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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 8, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[37]

or other person, being Enemy to this Common wealth, by any [unr] of [unr]
or flights, or have any communication with them, without direction or leave from
the Commissioners who command is Admirall, or the chief of every S[unr]dron, shall
be punished with death.
IV. if any person or persons employed at sen, or any persons from Land, coming
Aboard shall inveigle any Officer or Seaman belonging to the Navy, to Revolt
from their duty, by offering any Petition or other wise, to the prejudice of the present
State and Government, the person or persons so offending shall be lyable to be tryed
by a Councell of War, and punished either by death or otherwise, according to the
offence in the judgement of the said Councel of war[unr]
V. No person or persons of the Fleet, shall relieve the Enemy with Mony, Victuals,
Ammunition, Armes, either directly or indirectly, upon paine of death; nor
harbour or conceale any enemy or known Delinquent on Ship-board, or carry or
endeavour to carry, any such beyond Sea, upon the like penalty.
VI. No person shall presume to injure and wrong at Sea the known Friends and
Allies of this State; nor in the visiting of any Ships and Vessels, either take goods by
violent hands, or by seare and terrort extor them upon pain of cashiering and further
punishment, at the discretion of the Councel of War.
VII. Al Theft and Robery shall be punished by the Councel of War at discretion.
VIII. All Officers and Marriners hired to the service, that shall run away, or
intice others to the same, shall be severely punished, as the Councel of War[unr] shall
thinke fit.
IX No officer or Seaman shall presume to lye on shore, without leave from his
Superior Officer upon paine of losing two days pay for such first oftence, a moneths
pay for such second offence, and for the third offence upon paine of cashierings and
the monies so forfeited shall be put into the Chest, for releif of [unr] Setmen and
X. Whatever Officer or Commander shall be convicted of cowardice or negligence
in the Service, as lying in harbor, not pursuing the Chase in time or Service,
not endeavouring to relieve a Friend in view, or the like, shall be cashiered, and lyable
to such further punishment as by the Councel of War shall be judged fit.
XI. When at any time service or action shall be commanded no man shal persum:
to stop or put back ward the said action or service, upon paine of death.
XII. If any motion be made, or any speeches used by any one tending to the carrying
away of any ships from the service of the Common wealth, or to the prejudice
of the service, every such offend or shall be proceeded against at a Conceal of War,
to be punished by death or otherwise.
XIII. None shall utter words of sedition and uprore, or make any mutinous assembly
on any pretonec whatsoever u upon paine of severest punishment.
XIV No person shall conceal mutinous words which have been spoken by others.
but forth with [unr] the superior Officer with them upon the [unr] penalty.
XV. No man shall use provoking or [unr]chfull words or acts against any, upon
paine of imprisonment, and such other punishment as the Councel shall thinke fit to
be inflicted upon Enemies to Discipline and Service.
XVI. None shall [unr] with the superior Officer upon pain of severe
punishment nor to strike any such upon [unr]
XVII. None shall [unr] words [unr] death of [unr] commissioners, or any
of them this [unr] of death
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