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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 8, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[37]

Charles Stuart Eldest Son to
the late King of England.
[unr] Duke of Terk. Second
Son to the late King.
The Duke of Buckingham.
John Earle of Bristoll.
Will. Earle of Newcastle.
George Lord Digby.
Sir Will. Witherington.
Sir John Byron.
Sir Francis Doddington.
Sir Marme. Lang dale.
Sir Richard Greenvill.
Sir John Culpeper.
Edward Earle of Wore[unr].
Sir Philip Musgrave.
5. Severall other Votes passed in relation hereunto, viz, That all, except those, that
have had any hand in the ayding or assisting in the Rebellion of Ireland, shall have
time to come in to compound, Sir John Winter to have time to goe beyond Sea. All
those excepted being taken, to dye without mercy.
6. The House passed rules for Delinquents to this effect; That the time for the
comming in of all Delinquents within 80. miles of London shall be to file their Petitions
before the first day of Aprill next; All the rest within the time of six weeks. All
other Delinquents, Members of this Common-wealth, not comprehended in the
former limitation, shall be admitted to composition six weeks after the time of the
fileing their Petitions, paying one moyetie of the said Compositions then made, and
giving security for the other; the first of June, for those that are to come in that are
beyond Sea, and the same time as the other for their perfecting of their Compositions.
7. That all those that come not in, within the time prefixel, their estates shall be
confiscated, and sold for the use of the State.
8. All the rest of those that are sequestred their rents shall be continued in the
Tenants hands till Midsummer next.
The House of Commons adjourned untill Friday following.
The Members of the House of Commons, the House not sitting, this day met at
Goldsmiths. Hall upon the bu nesse of Deans and Chapters Lands according to
the order before mentioned. The Members also met this morning at Mr. Speakers
house according to the order before mentioned.
The Councell of State sate upon the businesse of Ireland (and so also did the
Councell of the Army) Lieutenant Generall Cromwell is nominated to be Generall
for Ireland, it is to be reported to the House to morrow.
Thursday March 15.
1. Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament that the Earle of Denbigh Sir
Henry Mildmay, Mr. Heveningham, Sir Gregory Norton, Mr. Feilder,
Mr. Trencherd, and Mr. Chaloner, together with the Master of the Ceremonies do attend
the Prince Elector to Grovesend,
2. Ordered &c. That the Committee of the Revenue doe take care of provision of Barges
for that service, and for payment of the charges of the said Barges.
3. Ordered, &c. That Mr. peaker with some other Members of this House doe
waite upon His Highnesse the Prince Elector by the command of this House to take leave
of him.
4. Ordered, &c. That the Members do meet at Mr. Speakers house to morrow at nine
of the clocks for the purpose aforesaid.
Henry Scobell Cleric. Parliaments.
Fryday 16 March.
TThe House of commons passed some time this day in debate about a Declaration
to be published to the Nation, of reasons of their proceedings, as also
what they intend, and referred it to a Committee with some amendments.
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