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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 8, 12th-19th March 1649 E.527[37]

The Act for nulling the House of Lords was read, and committed with amendments.
The Act for nulling of the Government of this land by Kings, or any one
person passed, and was this day ordered to be ingrossed.
There should have been this day a Court Marshall at white-Hall, but it was ordered
to be referred until the next week.
The Countesse of Carlisle was this day secured, and after brought before the
Councel of State, it is probable some things of great consequence will be discovered
by her.
A Report was made to the House that there was the Kings booke printing
with licence, and the Printer discovered to the House, whereupon an Order passed
for stay thereof, and seizing of such sheets as were Printed or Printing.
There came out this day Articles of agreement between the Commissioners for
the King, and those for the Parliaments, and Parliament Cities in France. But I
shall mention nothing of it, because it was not ratified by the Parisians, but torne
m peeces: And whereas the Duke of Longavila, and some other names are fixed
to it, that were not Commissioners, those who know how the French affairs are managed,
know well that cannot be signed by him, the Parisians disclaiming it.
Saturday March 17.
The House of Commons this day passed the Declaration to be published to this
Nation, that the people may know a reason of their proceedings in what they
have done, as also their intentions what they resolve to do for the future; and their
intentions of sitting to be for a time onely, as a year. Their resolutions for settling
of Land, bringing in Trade, easing the burdens of the people, settle the Laws, and the
Land in peace. The poor to be relieved, and Justice executed, every one to enjoy
their right and propriety.
An Act also passed for the Fasts. A Fleet of Ships are coming with Coales for
A Report was made to the House of the apprehending of the Printer, and seising
of some of the sheets of the Kings Book, whereupon the House Ordered to
refer it to the Committee for Printing, and the Printer that printed it, produced
a Licence to it, and that there were Annotations upon it, by way of Animadversions, concerning some very observable things in it, to undeceive the people
from being mis-led from Malignant conclusions which some draw from it.
The Committee Ordered the Licencer to be sent for before them on Munday
The House of Commons passed some further Votes about Delinquents some
12 added to banishment, and to be out of mercy, if found in England, all that
joyned in the Irish rebellion, that seized Garisons or Islands against the Parl. in
the late wars, as Morris in Pomfret, Boynton at Scarborough, Sir George Carteret at
Jersey, &c. Instructions passed for Delinquents Compositions.
The Act passed ingrossed, for nulling of King-ship.
The chief Heads this week are,
A Declaration of the House of Commons concerning what they have done, and their resolutions
concerning the Government of the Land. The names of the persons exempted out of
mercy. A List of those that are to be tryed for their lives. A fight at Sea. News from the
ships coming with Coales. Letters from Paris, The Scots Letters to the Parliament. And
the Votes concerning Prince Charles, and the Duke of York.

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