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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 9, 20th-27th March 1649 E.529[2]

Reports were made to the House of Commons from the Committee of the Navy,
Concerning Inferiour Officers (as B Sons, Cooks, &c.) of the ships, and a list of persons
nominated by the Merchants of London was brought in, to know the pleasure
of the House, because some of them are such as had signed the petition about the
late King.
The House of Commons Ordered, that it should be left to the three Commissioners
of the Navy (who are as Commissioners Admirall) to approve, or put out, as
they shall see cause.
Mr. Quaitmore is chosen Secretary to the Councell of Stat, as they are Commissioners
of the Admiralty, And Major Robinson, Secretary to the three Commissioners
Admiralt, both Gentlemen of good abilities, parts, honestie, and faithfulnesse.
The House had much debate this forenoone upon the remaining part of the Reports
from Goldsmiths Hall, concerning Compositions with Papists that have been in
Armes, against the Parliament, that are not within the Exceptions. And divers things
were debated in the House then.
It was moved that All Papists that have been in Armes against the Parliament, (except
such as are excepted against on the one side, or that are under Articles on the other
side) may be admitted to compound, paying one moyety of the whole value of
their Estate. And to have halfe a years time to sell a moyety of their Estates for
themselves, and so depart the Land.
The House Ordered to referre it to a Committee to draw up the fence of the House
therein, and make speedy Reports thereof to the House.
The House of Commons passed Instructions for the Committee of the Navie, to
contract for monies, some thing about the Officers of the Customes, &c.
Letters from Chester say, that the provisions from Milford haven, were safe neere
Dublin Bay, That Coll. Jones is scouring the works about Dubling.
That the Rebels had a muster on the borders of Lemster, but not so great an appearance
as was expected.
The House of Commons passed the particulars for the rates for compositions, in
the severall qualifications (this day) And referred the whole to be brought in by
an Act, from the Committee of Goaldsmiths Hall, as also that aforesaid, concerning Papists
in Armes; together with the Votes passed severall daies before. The whole is to
be brought in together.
The House of Commons were acquainted that divers Ministers of Lancashire had
written a book called, The Agreement of the people questioned; The House ordered it
to be referred to the Committee for plundered Ministers, to be by them examined.
And the House being acquainted that the Printer was apprehended, that was printing
the Turks Alcha[unr] and divers sheetes seized that were printed; The House ordered
the businesse therein to be wholly left to the Councel of State, to proceed therein,
as they shall see cause. In the after noon the house of Commons sate about the
settlement of the Assessments of the rates for the severall Counties, to pay the Army
according to the new establishment, where of I have formerly given you the particulars
of the whole.
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