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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 9, 20th-27th March 1649 E.529[2]

But the businesse of the Assessments of the Army was after a long debate ordered to
be referred to the Committee of the Army to reforme the old establishment, and
they to meet on the morrow, and all Members that will to there and have voyces,
and to report the same to the house on the Friday following. And the house ordered
to debate it in a grand committee the said Friday morning the first thing.
There is to be three moneths Assessments after the old Rates, and for the time after
the Rates are to be regulated for the Assessment of 90000.l. per mensem, for England
and Ireland both.
The Declaration of the Parliament of England, expressing the Grounds of their proceedings,
and of setling the present Government in the way of a Free State, was this
day finished and corrected at the presse to be published on the morrow, wherein they
expresse thus, (viz.)
The Parliament of England, elected by the People whom, they represent, and by
them Trusted and Authorized for the common good, having long contended against
Tyranny; and to procure the well being of those whom they serve, and to remove
Oppression, Arbitrary power, and all Opposition to the Peace and Freedom of the
Nation, Do humbly and thankfully acknowledge the blessing of Almighty God upon
their weak endeavours, and the hearty Assistance of the well-affected in this work,
whereby the enemies thereunto, both publique & secretare become unable for the present,
to hinder the perfecting thereof. And to prevent their power to revive Tyranny,
Injustice, War, &C all our former Evils, the Parliament have been necessitated to the late
Alterations in the Government; and to that Settlement which they judge most conducible
to the honour of God, and the good of the Nation, the only end and duty of
all their labors. [---The particulars then are declared by way of narrative, & for their
resolutions for the future the house of commons doe declare.]
1. That the Parliament intends to continue and maintain the Laws and Government
of the Nation, with the present alterations as the Parliament shall judge sit to be
made, for the due Reformation thereof, for the taking away of corruptions and abuses,
delayes, vexations, unnecessary travel and expences, and whatsoever shall be found really
burthensom and grievous to the people. 2. The sum of all the Parliaments design and
endeavor in the present change of Government, from Tyranny to a Free State; and which,
they intend not only to declare in words, but really and speedily endeavor to bring to
effect, is this. 3. To prevent a new War, and further expense and effusion of the Treasure
and Blood of England; and to establish a firm and safe Peace, and an Oblivion of all
Rancor, and ill will occasioned by the late troubles; to provide for the due Worship of,
God, according to his Word, the advancement of the true Protestant Religion, and for,
the liberal and certain maintenance of Godly Ministers; to procure a just Liberty for,
the Consciences, Persons, and Estates, of all men conformable to Gods Glory, and their
own peace; to endeavor vigorously, the punishment of the cruel Murtherers in Ireland,
and the restoring of the honest Protestants, and this Common-wealth to their
Rights there, and the full satisfaction of all Engagements for this Work; To provide
for the setling and just observing of Treaties and Alliances with Forreign Princes and
States, for the encouragement of Manufactures, for the encrease and flourishing of
Trades at home, and the maintenance of the post in all places of the Land. 4. To take
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