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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 9, 20th-27th March 1649 E.529[2]

Wars. The house thereupon ordered that the monies arising upon the sale of the said
personal Estates of the late King, Queen, and Prince, should be for the satisfaction of
all the just debts due from the King, Queen, and Prince, to wel-affected persons in this
Nation before the beginning of these Wars, and that an act be brought into this purpose.
And ordered the first 30000 l. to be advanced the Navy. And referred it to the
councel of State, to consider what they thought fit to be sold of the said Goods,
and what to be kept for the service of the common-wealth.
A Report was then made from the committee of the Army, of the assessments of
90000 l. per mensem. Ordered, That there should be a Commission drawn up for authorizing
the Judge of the Admiralty, and other Officers of that Court to proceed to tryal and pass
sentence of death upon such Captains of Ships and other Sea Officers now in the power of the
Parl, as have revolted from the Parl. and engaged with the common enemy against them.
They ordered that any 3 of the committee for sale of Forrest & Parks Land should
have power to sit and act. And for speedy payment of monies they further ordered,
that it should be referred to the councel of State to consider how Forrest and Park
Land may be set for one year for the benefit of the State.
Saturday March 24.
THe house this day according to former order, sat in a grand committee about perfecting
the Ordinance for the assesments to the Army, and no other businesse
Letter are come that Pontefract Castle is surrendered upon Articles, the Articles were
agreed on Munday last, and Munday night the 6. excepted persons attempted an escape
3 by one guard, and 3 by another. Morris and 2 more escaped one Guard, by leaping
over the works, being gallantly mounted and got away, though themselves and horses
wounded, the other 3 were beaten back : Wednesday morning it were surrendred,
they had conditions to go to their homes, first subscribing an Engagement not to advise,
act, or take up armes against the Parl. Or common-wealth of England. They had
2 months provision, and 40. barrels of powder in the castle.
The same Post that useth to go to all the Inland parts on Tuesday nights, goes
now from the Exchange also on Saturday nights too : And returns every Fryday morning,
as the other packets return on Munday mornings.
Munday March 26.
THe house of Commons sate not this day, having adjourned Saturday before untill
From the Navy came letters of fight at Sea, between some Ships of Prince Charls,
and some others belonging to English Merchants, And that Prince Charls his Ships had
taken one Ship which was coming home, in which was 60000 l. in Dollars and other
From Scotland letters say, that they have sent new Propositions to their new King
Prince Charles.
The chief Heads this week are,
A Fight at Sea. A great Ship taken by Prince Charles his Fleete, With threescore Thousand
pounds in dollars, and other Merchandize. The Articles for surrender of Pontefract
Castle to the Parliament. Letters from France. And Propositions sent from Scotland to
Prince Charles.

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