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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 17, 14th-21st May 1649 E.530[12]

said persons with their adherents and abettors, and all such as shall hereafter joyne and concurre
with them, to be guilty of high treason, and to be proceeded against accordingly. And
discharges all other persons of whatsoever quality or degree within this Kingdom to assist or
supply the said Rebels and their adherent or any of them, with men, money, armes, ammunition,
victuall, councel or intelligence, or to keep any correspondency publick or private, or
any who aid or countenance them, or any of them under the pain of being esteemed Rebells,
and to be proceeded against as enemies to Religion, the Kings Majesty, and the peace of this
Kingdom. And further, give power and warrant to all the good Subjects within this Kingdom
to rise in armes for opposing and suppressing the said Rebels as they shall be required
the Generall, Lievenant Generall Leisley, or any others, having authority for that effect.
And to the end all Kingdom may have full satisfaction concerning the equity of our
proceedings, And that these now in Rebellion may be yet reclaimed from their wicked practises
and designes, if it be possible, or otherwise left altogether unexcusable. The committee
of Estates is content to passe by anything they have done in referrence to this late Rebellion,
and to allow unto them freedom in their Persons and Estates; they renouncing and
and disclaiming their present course, and giving assurance for their dutifull carriage in
time coming. It being alwayes provided, that such as shall accept of this offer, shall come in
to Lieut, Gen. Leisley, and give the Satisfaction betwixt this and the twenty of this instant
in which case they shall be free, but that the said Declaration shall stand in full force against
all such as after the twenty day shall persist in rebellion or joyn with them. And that in respect
of their frequent out-breakings upon all occasions, their wives, children and Families
shall be no longer under the protection of this Kingdom. And that such course shall be taken
for transporting them out of the Kingdom into forraign parts, as the Estates of Parliament
or their Committees shall think ft. And for incouragement of all such as shall suffer in opposing
or suppressing the said Rebells, the Committee of Estates declares that the losses and
sufferings of such as have, or shall be active in the cause against the Rebels shall be taken
into speciall consideration as their carriage shall deserve, and repaired out of the Estates of
such as shall obstinately persist in the said Rebellion. As like wife it is declared, that whose
ever hath, or shall doe any thing against the said Rebells and their adherents and abetters,
or any of them in their persons or goods, during the time of their continuance in Rebellion,
shall be free of all actions criminall or civill at the instance of any person whatsoever for
the sanse.
And lastly, It is ordained that these presents be printed and published at the Market
Crosse of Edenburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Perth and Aberden, which publications at
the places aforesaid, the Committee of Estates do declare to be a sufficient intimation
to the persons abover specified, and to all the Lieges. Tho. Henderson
There was an out-fall at the Siege of Derry, where Sir Charles Coot Commands
within the Walls, where they killed Major Belsoure, Major Graham, and Capt. Galbraith,
and took certain prisoners. There is newes expected from ormond before the
last of this moneth by the Presbyterians.
Wednesday May 16.
The House (upon Reports Concerning Coyning,) ordered that Sir Robert Harlow
be discharged of his place there; And that Dr. Gourdoune of London, be Master
of the Minte. And Instructions passed therein.
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