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The moderate mercury, Number 1, 14th-21st June 1649 E.561[1]

Numb. 1.
Moderate Mercury:
Faithfully Communicating Divers Remarkable
both Forreign and Domestique:
Whereby the Truth will manifestly
appear, and the mouth of Wilful Malignancy
be utterly stopped.
Beginning Thursday, June 14. till Thursday June, 21. 1649.
Quid de quoque viro, & cui dicas, sape caveto.
IN the Alterations which happen sometimes in an Estate, between
the Prince and a People that is free and priviledged,
there are ordinarily two points which make them to aym at
two diverse ends: The one is, when the Prince seeks to have
an Arbitrary and unlimited Power over the People; and the People
contrariwise require, That the Prince should maintain them in their
Freedoms, and Liberties, which he hath promised and sworn solemnly
unto them, before his reception to the principality: Hereupon
quarrels grow, the Prince seeks by force to be obeyed: and the subjects
rising against the Prince, reject his Authority and seek their
full Liberty.
In these first motions happen perchance some Conferences or Treaties
by intercession of neighbors to quench this fire of Division: But then
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