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The moderate, Number 31, 6th-13th February 1649 E.542[11]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday February 6. to Tuesday February 13. 1649.
FOrbearance of speech is most dangerous, when necessity requireth
to speak, and a bold speech upon a good Cause deserveth
favour, and honour got by vertue, hath perpetual assurance,
but grounded upon a rotten foundation, specially fals
to a ruinous condition; thus the Lord of hosts purposing to
stain the pride of all glory, brings into contempt all the Honorable
upon earth. And if God saith, Such as Honour me,
He Honour; let no man say, I will Honor the person of the
mighty, and shew favour to the wicked, For if ye have: respect to persons in judgment,
ye commit sin, and are convinced of the Law as transgressors, 2 lames 9.
And again, ye shall not respect persons in Judgment, you shall not be afraid of the
face of man, for the Judgment is Gods, I Deut.17. Justice corrupted for many
years, and now thrice purified, puts the people in thoughts of Cruelty, because impartially
executed; and the reason hereof, was, because evil Judges punishing the
purse, spared the person; this made Cicero cry out, That Laws were most destructive
to every Nation, when not to every person put in equal and impartial execution.
One pretends right from heaven to supersede it, others from Custome to be priviledged
from it, and so make none but the poor lyable to it; but seeing the tallest
Ceder hath tasted of her fury, let the lowest shrub hereafter drink the dregs of her
displeasure: Thus shall not the wicked be Justified for reward, but punished by
severe judgments, and then let the land sing for joy, and the people proclaim peace
in their borders, for God hath destroyed the troublers of Israel, and will now delight
to cure all the malladies of the Nation.
In Order whereunto, the chief Doctors of the Nation this day consuit for cure of
one of the greatest, and most dangerous maladies of the whole Kingdom, which
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