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The moderate, Number 31, 6th-13th February 1649 E.542[11]

the State at his charge, from greatest to a petty Constable, That
all such persons as be any publick imployment, that lengthen our miseries,
by turning with all windes and tides for their own advantage, may be put our, and
all opportunities taken to put an end to our troubles, that the generation to come
may bless God for some that continued faithful. That you will send fourth men of
able gifts and parts to preach the Gospel to those that sit in darkness. And lastly,
give us leav to present the great sufferings of this Country, by paying in al paiments,
almost, (if not altogether) double as much as any adjacent County, occasioned
formerly by difference, and malice, between some of the chief house, and famillies
of our County, and our great sufferings when the Scots lay so long before Hereford;
the many thousand pounds that have been collected from us to disband
Colonel Birches Regiment, of which (we never received one peny) and others raised
since; and yet never being freed from free quartering, unless it were for some
few weeks.
All which, we hope, you will take into consideration, in convenient time, and
in all your good endeavours, tending to a speedy settlement of this Kingdom, we
will to the utmost of our power, as God shall enable us, assist you your faithfull
Army, under the Command of the General.
And shall pray,&c.
Justices of Peace.
Thomas Baskervile, John James, Thomas Rawlings, Francis Pember, Henry Williams,
Thomas Seaborne, Esquire, the Mayor of the City of Hereford.
Grand Jury.
John Vernal, Thomas Andrews, John Lenitoll, Anthony Carwardine, William Clark,
John Taylor, Richard Gwatkin, Thomas Church, John Leech junior, John Lufton, Thomas
Eynion, John Simmonds, Rowland Bethel, John Colley, William Marsh, Thomas
Williams, Francis Sheward, William Brown, Thomas Danet.
Sir John Bridges, Knight and Baronet, Robert Higgins, Thomas Higgins, Arthur
Cockorham, Robert Flacket, Thomas Careles, Oliver chambers, Francis Walker, Miles
Hill, Francis Pember junior, Henry Williams, John Herring, Verney Higgins, Tho. Hewet,
Francis Bifield, Alex. Garston, John Pembridge, Will Careles, John Wolfe, Phil. Sterky. Joseph
Patshal, Edward Hussey, John Adis, John Chomley, Tho. Williams, John Walsarn, William
Williams, James Woodhouse, John Harris, Edmund Orub, Walter Wallaston, William
Hooper, Richard Pulney.
The Gentlemen that presented this Petition, were by the Sergeant of the House
called unto the Commons-Bar, where Master Speaker told them, that he was commanded
by House, to give them hearty thanks for their Petition, and for their
affectionate expressions therein, who did assure them that the House would take all
possible and speedy care, for the setling the case of the kingdome; and that the
particulars in their Petition, should be taken into serious consideration in convenient
An Act prohibiting the proclaiming of any person to be King of England, or Ireland, or
the Dominions thereof.
WHereas Charls Stuart King of ENGLAND, being for the notorious
Treasons, Tyrannies and Murthers committed by him in the late unnatural
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