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The moderate, Number 37, 20th-27th March 1649 E.548[21]

The Commons refer it to the Counsel of State to prevent forestalling of Coles by Merchants,
the Councel requires the Lord Mayor to put the Act of Parliament against it
in execution, which was done accordingly, upon which Coles fell in three days,
from two shillings six pance a Bushel, to sixteen pence: How many cheating knaves
in this City have got great estates by such forestalments, at times of greatest necessity?
They refer it to the three Commissioners of the Navy, to place, or displace inferior officers
as they see casue: A Rule, or Law, is better then an unlimited power. It was referred to a
Committee to draw up an Act concerning Papists in arms, (not excepted against). They
past several rates for Compositions upon the former qualifications, and Order the Committee
of Goldsmiths Hall to compleat these, and other Votes, into an Act, and report.
The Lancashire, hot-brained, Presbyterian Minister, their book called, The Agreement of
the People Questioned, referred to the Committee of plundred Ministers, to be by them
Questioned and examined. The Printer of the Turkish Alcoran (translated into English)
to be taken into safe custody, and his presse seized, though the Printer had a Licence according
to Ordinance of Parliament, for the Printing thereof: This is to punish the Innnocent
for the Nocent. The Councel of State were to take congnizance of this book, and (saies one)
proceed therein as they see cause: I deny that, unless it be according to Justice. The rates to
be set on every County for advance of 90000.l per mensem, for pay of the Army in both Nations
reported, and committed. The Assessements before for these forces were but 80000.l.
per mensem and 10000.l per mensem now added, is heavier then 30000.l. per mensem twelve
moneths since. The Committee of the Navy impowred to treat with persons about farming
of the Customs. The Merchants have made long since a proposition, to maintain a
sufficient Navy, they being excused from Customs, and strangers only liable to pay it:
This might save the State many hundred thousand pounds per annum, if accepted. The Leicestershire
Petition of the wel-affected, read, and the Petitionors thanked. This Nation in
general would likewise thank the Parliament, if they would but grant the Contents thereof,
especially that part in reference to the great Places and Offices of the Nation, to be employed
for the advantage of the Republike.
March 23. The House Orders the late King, Queen, and Princes personal Estates to be
sold, for pay of the debts of well-affected, due before this War, from from any of the said three
Royals. The Commissioners for valuing and vending the same, to be no Members of
Parliament. This is honest, and better so late, then never. The first 3000l. to be raised
thereby, to be for the service of the Navy. Refferred to the Councel of State to appoint
what Goods are to be sold of these, and what not; And this because the Councel of State may
have the Royal Ornaments of State to make them stately (as fit they should be) else onley a Councel,
but not of State. The Amendments to the Act for 9000l. per mensem, Reported and
Recommitted; and the House Ordered to meet the next day in a grand Committee to perfect
them. This Act will be as terrible as the Ax, and its feared will kill more then the other;
many of the poorer fort of the people (upon which the burthen must lie) having not bread to feed
themselves or families; and expected after eight years want and misery, to be eased of these burthens,
and live freely under their own Vines and Figtrees. Any three of the Committee for
sale of Forests and Chases, meet and Act. Well, here is some hopes however of an Act of
Ease: if they ever meet. Referred to the Councel of State, to let the Parks for one yeer, for
the use of the Nation, and ease (we pray)of the poor people. But who receives all this
money I trow? The Agreement provides, That no Parliament shall have hereafter to do with
the receipt of money; and when shall the Nation be satisfied, how all the Millions received,
have been disbursed for the benefit of the Repulike? The Report from the Committee of
the Navy, for the speedy sending out some shipping approved of. Ten thousand pounds to
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