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The moderate, Number 36, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[2]

Numb. 36.
The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday March 13. to Tuesday March 20. 1649.
WHen the heart is environed with oppression, then the ear is shut up
from hearing good Councel; and Councel in affliction gives
small comfort, when the help is port remedy. Poverty brings
shame, and sickness will seek all ways and means for recovery.
Give loosers leave to speak, if you will not, they'l take it. Hunger
breaks stone walls, and Famine cryes out with a loud voyce.
The sad complaints of the poor and meaner sort of people, gives
too much occasion of compassion. In every thing the greatest Beauty is to make
the beginning plausible, but evil beginnings have commonly wrenched endings. It
would not onely be prudential policy, but give suspicion of honesty, to ease the
people of their unsupportable burthens, and redress their lamentable grievances,
at the innitiating of a new Government: How might their affections be united, and
their spirits hereby quieted, and they wholly engaged as one man to you. But at this
time, instead thereof, not to ease them of their seven yeers oppressive and distructive
burthens but to lay more and more upon them; though they were before ready to
sink under them, by reason of their poverty and weakness, can argue no less then
an intended perpetual slavery to be laid upon them, especially when there are many
ways in the power of them in power, to ease them, and never so many as now. Provoke
not too much, for fear it be too late to repent; and ease the poor Nation of
the burthen, for fear they shake it off, and lay it upon their backs that are better
able to bear it. See the doleful cry of the people in the ensuing Letter.
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