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The moderate, Number 44, 8th-15th May 1649 E.555[16]

May 9.
Letters from Holland of twelve English Cavellers butchering Doctow Dore shew
as he was at Supper, and one of the state with him wounded at the time time.
Thus makes all Cavaliers odious, not onely to the English Nation, but to the [unr]
Commissary General Iretons Regiment rendezvouzes this day in Suffexd according
to a private and former engagement, most of them declar [unr] joyn with other
Forces, in prosecution of the Agreement lately published. Captain [unr] troop
drew off, one onely declaring dissatisfaction. Captian Pritties Troop drew off
two miles, where a Letter from the Agitators of the Regiment over took them,
which after read, prevailed so with the Troopers, that the major part of these indutiful
sons, took leave of their father, without desiring his blessing, and when
returned to the rest of the Regiment, they were received with much acclamation.
The Lord General, Lieutenant General Regiments randezvouzed this day in
Hide-Park; the Lieutenant General made Speech, declaring the Parliaments
great care and pains; the Levellers colours was pulled out of some of their
Ordered, that the new Commissioners for the Customs, have and are hereby
authorized to use and exercise all and every the powers, which the Committee of
Merchants sitting in Mincing-lane, now have, or formerly had, for the regulating
of the Officers of the Customs within London, and the out-ports.
The House chose a Committee to meet about the allowance to such as are poor
about London, that have lent upon the publike Faith, and cannot double.
Two Holland Ships from Ireland, refused to bowe their top-sails, shot was made
at them, and hurt done on both sides.
An Act for charging 600000 l. upon the Excise and other security for the
Arrears of Souldiers, upon Mannors, Lands, and Farms, belonging to the
Crown, and for the sale of the said Mannors.
An Order to stop the coming of people to Lieutenant Colonel. John Liburn, in
the Tower.
The Lords Commissioners of the great Seal, and the Attourney General, and the
Serjeants at Law, to consider and bring in a list for the Judges.
An Order to transfer into the Chancery and Exch: quer, certain Orders and
Instructions, for Tunnage and Poundage.
Commissary General Ireton reported this day to the House, certain rules for
taking off Free-quarter.
Colonel Reeves taken and carried prisoner to Whitehall, he is said to be an
Agent for the Prince.
The States General have caused a Proclamation to be made for apprehending,
and prosecuting the murtherers of Doctor Darslow, declaring their detestation
against that barbarous act, abhorring such bloody actions. It hath made the English
Cavaliers there, and all that are about the Prince, extreamly adious.
An additional Act concerning Sequestration in case of Appeals. It is enacted
and declared, That the Barons of the Exchequer shall be constituted and appointed
Commissioners for appeals.
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